Why has the DOJ and FBI kept the long obsolete system of reporting FBI interviews in place?
Why not just tape the damn interviews?
youtube.com/watch?v=iaXENKstblw (3 minutes)
Why has the DOJ and FBI kept the long obsolete system of reporting FBI interviews in place?
Why not just tape the damn interviews?
youtube.com/watch?v=iaXENKstblw (3 minutes)
swampfox999 says:
May 17, 2020 at 4:15 pm
I love this President. Please make sure he is reelected with Republican majorities in both Houses. Without the latter, he’ll have to be vetoing nearly every bill and changing the judiciary will be impossible. Without the former, it will be the end of the Republic.
BREAKING: 66 people died in Chicago today from COVID-19-related gunshot wounds – but they will be voting by mail.
And (tweeeet)
Think about these two statements and time periods and then put them together……
1) 2009-2012/13 – Hammer Program which was flipped from an Foreign Intelligence Tool to a Domestic Intelligence Tool to spy on Americans.
2) 2012-2016 – NSA Contractor Program – There were TENS-OF-THOUSANDS of unauthorized search queries; and as Judge Collyer stated in her report, there is no reason to believe the 85% non compliant rate was any different from the abuse of the NSA database going back to 2012.
“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: LEVERAGE. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person … The amount of information is mind-boggling, and I gave all of that to FBI Director Comey’s office.”
So yes, as PT said, they wanted to take down a sitting President as an insurance policy but it was really to hide these two periods of massive spying on Americans.
All designed for FUTURE LEVERAGE according to a Registered Whistleblower: