Anonymous ID: 5d701f May 17, 2020, 10:24 p.m. No.9220883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1042

Ooh wee, the ladies sure are purdy here. So Pepe, the next two parables, the lamp on a stand and the wise and foolish builder. So, Pepe, you remember all those inference to the sower parable? Yea 1eye…Well, ya see, Jesus told one of his parables twice, so that means it waz important to him. And ya know, it brings tears to my eyes to tell it to you, so here goes…Pepe, you are the LIGHT of this WORLD, you are a star child Pepe and you are very special. Now, you Pepes have been keeping your light under a bowl you call a basement and that needs to change, cuz yer light needs to shine Pepe. Now, there are a lot of dem light pepe’s around and I seen sum of dem in here. They are trying to tell you some really cool stuff, but chu been weighted down by dem chains of bondage. It’s time to see your destiny and shine Pepe; the world is watching and waiting. So, I will list some of dem star Pepe’s below. Ok, the wise and foolish builder. Hhmmm, well Pepe, you know dem overlords have been playin sneaky Pete with our history right? Yea 1eye…well, dats gotta change. See, we have been building humanities foundations on half truths and lies and dat ain’t good enough fer us Pepe. We have to move past the vengeance and wraith of the old ways a forge a new path that includes all our history, the good, the bad and the ugly AND we need to find unity for all the Pepe’s the good, the bad and the ugly. Only then will we have a proper foundation for us to stand upon and only then can we connect to that vastness of space we so desire. The future is here Pepe, we can be slaves and live out their story OR forge ahead in peace, love and in the pursuit of our future…the choice iz yours Pepe’s.


Now, here are sum of the star kids I love, first! the worlds greatest digital guerrilla warrior, Naughty Beaver! Next up is the lovely dynamic duo, Cosmic Agency! And last, but there is a lot more, the saucy, Elizabeth April! Der are a lot more Pepe, you go find the ones that resonates with you and feed yer soul Pepe.


Now, I sure hope sum of you Star Pepe’s can pick up the rest of the parables. If not, I do some more, but, I got some irons in the fire Pepe and I am waiting fer some correspondence from 17. So, I’ll pop in from time to time Pepe, I love you very much and I know I will see blooming frogs everywhere very soon.


God wins everything


Back to you Pepe