Anonymous ID: 07334e May 18, 2020, 2:03 a.m. No.9221773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1786 >>1789 >>1805 >>1842 >>2022

Dark to Light.


Everything is a lie. That is how it seems. As we dig for truth we uncover more layers of lies. The reason being is that the truth is not hidden. The truth has been right on the surface, before our very eyes this entire time, all we must do is have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Digging yields lies, when the truth can simply be plucked up from the ground like a pebble from the sidewalk.


There are two forces at work in the world. Dark and light. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. The darkness nonetheless seeks to dominate all things. The darkness is clever. It pretends to be the light. So the darkness has created a false light. Like a bolt of lightning it has many tendrils, but all lead back to the same false light. The darkness also has a bolt of darkness with many tendrils, all leading back to the same main source of darkness. Both lead back to the great cloud of darkness that seeks to consume all.


Here we are all too familiar with the true darkness. The pedophilia, human trafficking, corruption, spirit cooking, on so on. We know there are ideologies and religious beliefs associated with these things. These are the tendrils of the bolt of pure darkness. They believe different things, and they go about it in diverse ways, but they have at their core the same thing, a bolt of pure darkness. The enemy is wise and knows most people won’t accept this bolt of pure evil. It is far too radical for most. So it is reserved for the most twisted among us and they call themselves the “elite”. This too is a clever lie of the darkness. They are not elite, they are broken, lowly, miserable people. And only these most twisted and pathetic humans are given the highest levers of power.


Then there is the bolt of false light. The enemy knows it cannot dominate through the true darkness alone. Most people will not accept it outright. So a false light, a false truth, is provided to make the people not only feel safe, but to make them accept the darkness in principle. This is done via the various worldly philosophies and religions. They mix in truth with lies. Many find comfort, healing, restoration, faith, life, and truth in the false light. But like mixing oil and water the lies contaminate the truth such that its ultimate end is destruction.


This false light seems to battle the darkness and to push it back and destroy it on all fronts. Yet since the enemy is responsible for both it cares not which side wins. The ultimate goal of the enemy is to distract you from the real truth. Here it is. You as an individual are responsible for yourself. You cannot blame the enemy. You cannot blame society. You cannot blame your nature or your parents. All these things, yes they do contribute to who you are, and the world around you, but you ultimately are the one that will be held accountable for your actions and intentions. You will not be judged by any court of man or angles. You will be judged by the Truth defined. Stripped bare before the Truth your intentions will be found wanting. Your actions will be found weak. The good will not overshadow the bad because the standard is perfection and every single one of us has fallen short of that standard. So there is one judgement for you and I. There is only death. But that judgement has been carried out and that debt paid.


Our spirit was woven together in our mother’s womb. From the moment of our creation until now we have been living as slaves to darkness. But those chains can be broken. When the Truth took on human form and walked among us as a man, lived a perfect life, died, and then resurrected himself to prove he has the power over death, that same Truth also made a promise. “Because I live, you also will live. In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

There is no other way as he also said:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


Every other way is part of the false light. Do not be deceived. Believe only in the Truth, namely Jesus of Nazareth, and the Truth will set you free.