Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 17, 2020, 11:37 p.m. No.9221266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1277 >>1348 >>1368 >>1387 >>1409 >>1635 >>1656 >>1780 >>1908 >>1971

DelcasIndustries LLC

4630 Mar St

Brownsville, TX 78521-5252 | view map

(956) 831-3311



Location Type: Headquarters

Industry:Special Dies and Tools, Die Sets, Jigs and Fixtures, and Industrial Molds

Ownership: Private

Year Founded: 2001

Sales Range: Under $500,000

Employees: 1 to 5


In other words, these guys are the ROCKET SCIENTISTS of the manufacturing industry, because they design and build the business end of the machinery that does the manufacturing.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 17, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.9221285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303 >>1325

Single-nucleotide polymorphism


Did you know that there are 38 million of these SNPs in human DNA?


Did you know that DNA is a chain of nucleotides all tightly wound together?


The 2nd image shows the DNA wound around histone spool molecules and how this wound up DNA is then wound even tighter into coils and super coils that kink into the X shape of most chromosomes.


Think about it.

Do you think it is possible

That Trump was speaking to Autists

Suggesting that we should dig into SNPs and Korea?

I've only just begun but I already learned that people in central Japan share the same SNP clusters as Koreans have.

SNPs and SNP clusters can be used to identify broad relationships

Of groups of people

And maybe even single individuals.

Think about it

And do some digging of your own.


Just sticking with Koreans,

We more or less know that many Japanese descend from Koreans

Since the emperor stated publicly that one of his ancestors

Married an imperial Korean princess.

What about the people in North Korea?

Or the 1 million or so ethnic Koreans that live in the Russian Federation?

Where do Korean-Americans really originate from?

How closely related are Koreans to Northeast Siberians

And to the Innuit of North America?

And the Dene peoples of North America including the Navajo?

SNPs may tell us more about who we are

Than mtDNA and Y haplogroups.


Bioweapons specialists probably know all this already

But they're not talking.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 17, 2020, 11:57 p.m. No.9221348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1355

>Remember the GAME. (It is not a game.)

>These lead to Light.


Here's a good example of that right here…




It was the Global Air Mobility Enterprise of the planefags that notice Elon Musk flying to Austin, TX.

What notable things do we have in our DB for that general area

Besides the border, CBP etc…

Hmmm Brownsville… Delcas… That was a comms from POTUS? Q? No matter…

Delcas is important and look here…

It is HIGHLY RELEVANT to manufacturing and Elon Musk is a man who make manufacturing HUMMMMMMM

He happens to make good use of the Soviet Union's TRIZ technique

Which is why Tesla and SpaceX are such success stories

Steal your good ideas from wherever you can

Because once knowledge comes to one human

And they share it

We can all benefit


So it you want to invent or make something

Learn TRIZ

Go start a small factory

Just do it!


Want to write….

You know what I'm gonna say.


There is so much info out there in open source

That the only way anyone can keep secrets any more

Is my distracting people so they sit at home

On their couches

Eating poisoned snacks

That dull their minds

And eventually create SARS-CoV-2 viruses in their bodies

Which give them pneumonia

And kill them.


COVID 19 is a psyop

As the stress and panic spread

So did the sickness

Because people consume so much poison

All it took was a little stress to tip them over the edge.

If you are not sick now

Either you don't each much poison

Or you ain't scared of nuthin'!!!

The Great Awakening

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, midnight No.9221355   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yaacov Apelbaum taught us all how to do this work

Intelligence Analysis

The choice to know is yours

Because there are many books on the topic free to download

And Yaacov has several fully worked out examples on his blog to study.


Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 12:26 a.m. No.9221417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1428 >>1457 >>1635 >>1656 >>1780 >>1908 >>1971



That is actually the owner/inventor


Fernando del Castillo-Olivares


I suspect that Elon Musk is going to build the Artemis Lunar Lander out of fabric by sewing it.

And why not?

If the astronauts can wander around in a space suit

Why can't they fly and live in a giant one?

TRIZ at work.


Fernandodel Castillo-Olivares has a lifetime of designing, building, repairing and inventing stuff for sewing machines

By the Ideal Equipment Company Ltd.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 12:42 a.m. No.9221457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1826



Here is an excerpt of a discussion from Canada's Federal Parliament in 1995

I think he has the details a bit wrong. Fernando is a Brownsville grad but he has some connection to Montreal, and in 2014 he moved to live there.

Mr. Barbee: A company in Montreal, Ideal Equipment Company Ltd., is one of the primary makers of CAD/CAM equipment for the apparel industry. All your shirt pockets are set with this automatic equipment, probably. About six years ago they moved their manufacturing to Mexico and their sales office to Charlotte, North Carolina. They still have their R and D centre in Montreal to better compete. They made that decision themselves. That was a wholly owned Canadian company.


The manufacturing industry has a lot of features like the film industry which is based around small companies and prjects. Even though a factory operator can get very big, they depend on an ecosystem of smaller companies that do things like design, building jigs and tools, precision engineering companies, and of course PARTS MANUFACTURERS. Even the the garment industry they buy buttons, zippers, spools of thread, rolls of fabric.


So Fernando appears to have a tool and die company that keeps running in the town where he got started and a bigger manufacturer of specialty industrial sewing machines and robots up in Montreal where life would be exotic compared to Texas, and there is lots of sport fishing nearby which he loves. For a Hispanic person, the French language is easy to learn, and any hostility that Quebeckers might have to anglos, disappears when you are hispanic or italian.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 1:31 a.m. No.9221683   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Koreans did move into Japan. But it was not empty. There were already Polynesians there, or the ancestors of Polynesians, who originated in the east coast of China, (Li ethnic group) and then spread to Taiwan (aborigines) and the pockets of overseas Chinese in southeast Asia.


But no group is an island, so there were periodic injections. In Japan, the Korean and Polynesian groups thoroughly merged ethnically, although the language maintained more Korean aspects (phonology). China as a civilization continued to influence Japan, so they drifted away from the Koryo ethnos.


Koreans themselves, although they had cultural and linguistic injections from Turko-Mongolian peoples, are racially closer to northeast Siberians and perhaps, to the Innuit of North America.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 1:47 a.m. No.9221730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1830 >>1908 >>1971

If you were going to build an anti-gravity engine

And you knew that you needed to create and rotate magnetic fields

Where would you go to find the expertise

If there was nobody on the planet who currently built unclassified anti-grav devices


I know!

Go to an engineering company involved in making electric coils for motors and generators!!!


National Electric Coil


Holy shit!

We have been lied to again by Q

And by our fren from Mil Int.

Is this a bad thing?

No! Lies are a good thing. If they tell us a lie

They do not violate their oath

But we are used to digging

And finding the truth behind MSM lies

So we can dig into this Delcas dead end

And find that Michel Folacci used to work there

And he now manages Plant #66 for National Electric Coil

In Brownsville, TX

National Electric Coil was founded in1917!!!

The image is an example of a stator winding from the Brownsville plant.

Maybe the Artemis lander won't be a flying spacesuit after all.

More like a flying Tesla car shaped like a lunar lander

TRIZ will save the day again, IMHO.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 2:17 a.m. No.9221826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here is more on the pocket sewing machine


attached as a 4 page PDF extract from some committee hearings.

Includes diagrams of the process of creating an attaching a pocket to an Arrow shirt. Mentions the Ideal Equipment company.


Note that I think Delcas was a complete red herring only intended to lead us to Michel Folacci who manages a National Electric Coil plant in Brownsville.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 2:19 a.m. No.9221830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1908 >>1971


Remember that everything that Nikola Tesla did

Involved winding coils of wires for electromagnets

Everything Dr. John G. Trump did at HVEC involved winding coils of wires for electromagnets.

All the people who have talked about anti-gravity devices are describing some kind of wire coil electromagnets.


Put 2 and 2 together and this could be a very big deal.

Anonymous ID: 8ec203 May 18, 2020, 2:36 a.m. No.9221898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1914



And old system administrator's trick to deal with a surge of requests that a server was not engineered to handle. There are now millions of people who follow Q drops.


Nothing suspicious because people did archive offline before doing anything else.