Anonymous ID: 674b00 April 6, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.922942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I posted this 4 part on In-Q-Tel. Q brought In-Q-Tel up so here it is again


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What is the keystone?

Does SES stand for Social Ecological Systems


Two groups of interest

  1. In-Q-Tel venture capital investing investment firm started in 1999 by CIA.

  2. Highlands forum, pentagon venture capital

Both founded to fund start up programs for cyber defense.

I am not trying to say Q is CIA.4 But Q might have chosen that name to highlight CIA In-Q-Tel. Crumbs for annons to follow, everything has purpose and meaning.







29 December 2009

Sources for papers



PAPER discusses various issues impacting cyber defense. Including Extremistan unpredictability like shrodengers cat.

Black swan event, an event that lies outside of assumptions that destroys the predictability of the Gaussian bell curve.


SES stands for Social-Ecological Systems in cyberspace

This is where it is really interesting.

Social ecological systems SES is the idea that comex system self organize around a central point.

Natural nodes would be naturally occuring self organized central points found in complex environment like cyberspace.


Commentary based on paper

I believe that the current state we are a witness to is a battle of the nodes, one set of nodes is natural and the other is artifical and part of the cyber defense system explained below.


Cyber defense cooked up a plan to occupy cyberspace. They set up a set of artifical nodes specifically to occupy the cyberspace and block the formation of natural nodes. This is controlled space occupied by programs such as twitter, facebook, google and others.


On the otherside nodes of the battle of the nodes are natural nodes developing out of the new media such as breitbart, infowars, drudge, zerohedge etc. These could be considered more natural than the fsm, but not as natural as the incoming nodes such as 8chann, citizen journalism and crowd sourced intelligence like the anons.

Anonymous ID: 674b00 April 6, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.922953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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What has happened is that out of military intel programs arose to deal with threats in cyberspace. In-Q-Tel was created by the CIA and the Highlands Forum was created by the pentagon to find and fund start ups for cyber defense. From this initiative came google, facebook twitter and others.


The threat from cyberspace was realized to be these natural nodes that produce unpredictability problems. These nodes formed around a natural congruence of thought. It is from these nodes or areas of centralized thought that unpredictable cyber threats and real world physical threats could arise.


It is very likely that cyber defense was formed around the thought of injecting nonnatural nodes fixed in cyberspace. People would gather around these artifical nodes thus displacing natural systems. This type of plan would offer a degree of control through directing thought, censorship, shadow banning, community standards, artifical consensus group think, bullying, shaming and all the other tools we see being utilized today to silence conservative thought. These are the tools a the systems meant for cyber defense. One look at a map of the internet highlights the active nodes exposes nonnatural nodes


Now given that such defense system would or should have been based on American Apple Pie values to control of valid threats against Americs, this defensevsystem should posed no threat to the Anerican peopke because the controls should have been virtually transparent to us. So what happened. Why are we witnessing this battle of the natural nodes and the non natural cyber defense nodes. Is this a black swan event or something else. Let me offer this.


This system of cyber defense was hijacked by progressive alinsky styled mobsters, globalists and communists. Who must have surmised, wrongly, that the system designed to nudge the public away from detrimental natural system nodes could be used in a harder fashion to overtly condition the public into group think

Anonymous ID: 674b00 April 6, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.922979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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What these people did was hijack a military cyber defense system. They first introduced erroneous information during the election via fsm, such as fake polls, fake news stories, fake opposition research passed off as official givernment investigations. And then used the cyber defense tools to try and control the flow of information and people in these non natural nodes. This started an ever increasing attempt to control the flow of information in these nodes for example the fsm use of the term fake news which infamously back fired.


These But as we know, the attempt to control the public using these systems failed due to various reasons including the growth of natural nodes, a candidate who embraced these natural nodes and a public that migrated out of the controlled artifical nodes. Once red pilled these people became immunized to the injection of fake news and rejected the controlled environments. Speculation would be that the people left in the nonnatural nodes most likely share common traits such as susceptibility to conditioning through ssri, mental disorders or in the case of young people 16 to 27 immature minds stuck in group think.


What does this mean. First, that these systems were part if a national cyber defense strategy. Second, these systems weaponized and used in places like arab spring. Third, the programs such as twitter, facebook and others must have become corrupted through extending the application of the cyber defense programs beyond their intended design for defense. They began collecting and selling private data. Fourth, the communist nazi alinsky people decided to turn these programs against the American people during the election to effect a coup styled as an election. Its why hillary never campaigned, she wasnt trying to win an election, she and her cohorts in control of these cyber defense systems were attempting a coup. And when that failed. Five, these people are now attempting to effect a real coup against a sitting president and the crack down by these cyber systems through censorship, shadow banning, etc is a further weaponization. The intensity of the attempt to maintain control may be a sign of increasing oscillation in a negative feedback loop and impending systemic failure. Six, the intensification of detering people outside nonnatural nodes is moving to thr financial sector. This is most prevalent with anti second amendment activities and the withdrawl of financial services. Seven, there is a high probability that these cyber defense systems are still classified but that these companies have been marketed these programs to chinese, EU and other authoritarian regimes as population control, and chinese social credit score may be an evolution of this cyber defense system

Anonymous ID: 674b00 April 6, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.923013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Be certain that both the first amendment and the second amendment are under assault. Free speech, religion and guns as obama said bitter clingers, we are not be permitted our religion and guns and our ability to express bitterness us to be cut off.


Now, these programs are quickly becoming ineffective. The criminality of what the coup planners are known. More people are gravitating towards natural nodes and the growth of the natural nodes is pushing out these programs.


Here is a second paper by cooper

Towards a National

Information Strategy:

Aligning Responsibility, Authority, and Capability

To Provide for the Common Defense

Jeffrey R. Cooper

Center for Information Strategy and Policy

12 August 1998

In this paper he eludes to the government private entity relationship. He states that government must work with private companies and one reason provided is that government cannot force private companies to supply information or data because of privacy and propertyrights of corporations. But imo the fact is that government would receive significant public push back, so that is why In-Q-Tel was set up to create these start ups.


The problem we face now is that these cyberdefense programs and models for deterence in international politics have been weaponized by these cia cutout private companies who have turned these weapons back on us. They collect data intrusively and seek to control domestic politics. To say that this is an overthrowing of the Republic and rule of law is an understatement. This a paradigm shift where globalists seek the extermination of our nation state and our personhood.


Just think of the amount of national security data that has been gleaned by these companies. There is a looming constitutional crisis because these programs are weaponized info systems placed in private companies to circumvent constitutional protections and now these companies are rogue and either freelance corruptor agents of chi coms or globalists or owe multi allegiance to various actors.


This is a Tiananmen square moment where weaponized cyber weapons are the tanks bearing the corporate logos twatter, fckerbook, utube and others. Stand strong annons.


Sorry its so long, but its VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Please look through other sources. Did you know brin, zuckerberg and lady gaga all attended same john hopkins private school. Two high tech cia cutouts and a cia ugly art artist.







