or just exploit some poor family on twitter who lost a son to cancer…something good better come out of that
people naturally rally behind an 'underdog' with the weight of the world on his shoulders…if we're going to question everything, we have to question the very structure of our roles in this psyop, including the possibility that we could be being corralled and controlled. I hope we're not, but then that hope is the very basis of this Plan.
just try to opt of for organ donation at the dmv- can't be done at that level…they own us.
how should people educated about the ongoing crimes of career politicians behave while the criminals continue to run free and the people are killed off and locked down in their homes
turns out we all had something to lose- more rights
hey look guys, another innocent American died while we play games -get your feels on- and 15 mins of twitter fame for the family outta fix it
Timing is everything. Are you ready to stand?
Maybe the ruling factions placed bets on their warriors for the civil war- it's not another election year, it's another Great Race
he also said he had a flu shot during that ridiculously long televised health review by his doctor
how does any of this help this family?
he's saying take the black pill
it will be a difficult thing indeed if we have to conclude that we called out every gatekeeper except one.