Lot of us feel the same way. First we're told that Epstein killed himself. Next that Flynn is off the hook and charges will be dropped. Now Judge Sullivan is playing special counsel and judge at the same time. No anything involving Flynn is months away. Hillary walks on everything. Obama, the lying muzzie king walks away with his millions. Why no Obamagate? Stone is in jail.
And we're supposed to keep taking the shit from our friends and families. I'm a lawfag for over 40 years. we've been played. Just like Flynn.
Seems the only thing to do is take things into our own hands. Bur we won't. Oh–I forgot the military is on our side. Months ago, when people said "trust the plan". Operation looking glass, bought into that too. WE HAVE PLAYED. We hear about the RED landside. From everybody I talk too, they're all putting Trump down. But the 4th of July will change everything. I'm done. Busting my ass watching twitter and the Paytriots are making a fortune -. The longer this goes on the more money in their pockets. Neon Revolt and Prayying Medic got books selling thanks to us.
RedPill and X22 Report all got sponsors out tyhe ass. And we got SQUAT, ZERO. You've all been Q'ed in the ass. Have fun.>>9226747