Here a cabal, there a cabal, everywhere a cabal! So I wrote months back.
Personally, I like to use Cabal as catchall for NWO, Agenda 21, Old Guard, the Anti-National/Pro-Globalist herd and horde. the MoneyGrabbing-Blackmailing-BackRoom-StuckUp Elite crude and cruel crowd. There is an infestation around this world that when-ever, where-ever, how-ever funds are stuck up and out, a certain lot are always at the backdoor siphoning off what they deem their just lot. America sees and shows the pest best throwing huge sums of cash out into never-ever-land and lo-and-behold our same old politicians, who do no good, stay in office getting fatter and nastier by the years, now decades. Don't pretend it does not happen in front of your nose. Wake-up, smell the opulent stench. If sniff test fails their foul Kool-Aid stinks up your ever shriveling sniveling minority.
Not seeing, believing one big all encompassing Cabal is no biggie. Just know some politicians self-aggrandize their's and their family's lifestyle, that appreciates enough. From that simple first pause, more truth may well find longer pause.
No cabal, big or small, is without action Plan to capture and back-pocket the universal circulation commodity, the mighty American buck. Follow the money the simple plan to catch the act, see the Show. There is no mystery in UNSEEN transactions only child-like naivete of disbelief. Ignorance is saddest mask to never take off. Wake-up, grab brave heart, join the new crowd on your side, at your side, got your back too.
PLAN, CABAL, CABAL PLAN go hand in hand always gravitating to graft. Quick, where's The Money, right now. Give little thought, spit out DAMN obvious. Pandemic. Fresh trillions flow, deny it not, everyone knows. All bucks now pass through Pandemic. Cabal-ing politicians want to put you out of business and home so well funded cronies can lap-up-on-the-cheap what you must leave behind as you are LEFT to camp out in a spacious poverty tent, first year, cardboard box next… nothing follows. But fear not, you will never die. Take all heart and pride, forever memorialized on eternal roll. Harvested year after year your vote will always count for their winning ways.
Don't spout Pie-In-Sky Pandemic model at me, another sad hoax. I speak Sleep-On-Street Plain Dem model to all. Look to once great C A and say it not so. Wake-up, feel the model destined to mold you. Feel press stumping down, struck and stuck as swamp mass. If not exactly you, see it happening to others close, hair, spa and tat artists, sport drink servers, all the essentials that are suddenly essential no longer. What a cruel mean treat for any.
Maybe it's politicians married to new expensive drugs, or ventilators, or masks, or news. Tell me, no, promise me please, you have the wit, power and guts to stop them all. Cabal, plan, pandemic, tell me I'm NUTS for saying PLANDEMIC and I'll hand you mirror to frame a brain-dead NUT.
Those not dumb, we got dumped on again, so I snowball logic back at them.