This is how I presently see things will shake out:
Graham will use up the rest of his time as chair of his committee investigating those under Hussein. As that investigation unfolds, more and more damning evidence will rise to the surface about Hussein. It is important that these things come from the lips of the perpetrators who worked under Hussein.Trump must be safe, isolated.This will set the stage for the next part, but will also help Trump's outlook. Graham's investigation will result in multiple convictions. Cor-ney may perhaps be indicted or convicted by the end of August, and he will be singing like a sweet little bird, a soulful tune and damning tribute to the Hussein.
As a result of Graham's investigation, after the election, Grassley relieves Graham, and delivers the coup d'tat by calling Hussein to testify. This is why Graham had said he wouldn't be calling Hussein. Evidence will be presented that Hussein, Soetero, is not a citizen. Other evidence may have to do with his initiation murder of a U.S. pilot. Being found a non-citizen, his involvement in the Iran deal, etc., and he will be handed over to the Military Tribunal to be executed.
In the meantime, the next coming weeks through to July will be focused on Mueller's merry band of cut-throats………………..and the Clintons' with hotdog's laptop.The PEDO stuff has to come out FIRST because this will be the last straw for all.