Anonymous ID: 67b25d May 18, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.9229553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9591

WHO holds meeting with 70 African traditional medicine

experts, announces start of clinical trials of herbal medicine

4 hours ago 366 views

by Michael Hammond

"WHO's regional office for Africa said the meeting with experts across Africa focused on the role of traditional medicine in response against the coronavirus pandemic - The UN health agency had warned against the use of untested remedies but called for clinical trials of herbal medicine following the meeting - The announcement came a day after Malagasy President Andry Rajoelina criticised it after it failed to endorse its medicine named Covid Organics"

More at link:






Anonymous ID: 67b25d May 18, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.9229591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9762

World Health Organization Freed/Flipped?


For the newbs:

Freedis in reference to when a person/organization of people was being extorted/threatened by an external force which explained their previous "deep state" actions yet once the threat is removed they usually start to do the right thing.

Flippedis when a person/organization is deep state yet has been caught in the act and is cooperating with authorities.



The following recent headlines tell a tale

Notice the Chronology/Time frame


WHO Offered $20M Bribe To Poison COVID-19 Cure,

Madagascar President Alleges

By Adejayan Gbenga Gsong On

May 16, 2020


Madagascar cure: We have been offered $20m to poison

COVID Organic – President Rajoelina

Published 2 days ago onMay 17, 2020

By John Owen Nwachukwu


World Health organisation, (WHO) Offered Madagascar

$20m To Poison COVID Organic — Madagascar President


May 17, 2020

By The Nigeria Voice


Trump Again Considering Withholding WHO Funding

Officials say the president is expected to make a decision as

soon as this week

By Andrew Restuccia

Updated May 17, 2020 9:59 pm ET


Madagascar leader urges use of supposed COVID-19 cure

'Drink this herbal tea to protect ourselves, to protect our

family and our neighbors,' says President Andry Rajoelina

News Service

10:48 May 18, 2020


WHO holds meeting with 70 African traditional medicine

experts, announces start of clinical trials of herbal medicine

4 hours ago Michael Hammond

"WHO's regional office for Africa said the meeting with experts across Africa focused on the role of traditional medicine in response against the coronavirus pandemic - The UN health agency had warned against the use of untested remedies but called for clinical trials of herbal medicine following the meeting - The announcement came a day after Malagasy President Andry Rajoelina criticised it after it failed to endorse its medicine named Covid Organics"

Read more:


The W.H.O Caught in the act of wanting to Poison a

potential cure

Now they are meeting with "traditional" medical experts





