Anonymous ID: b6ebf8 May 18, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.9229085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150 >>9245 >>9266 >>9471



Bar states Durham not after 44 and sidekick, this platform goes berserk sounding defeated/angry/apathetic. I say first big deal, means between little to nothing, my first impression. Please, please, please really read what Barr said and start writing down everything he did not say if that's gets it done for you. As any good lawyer/prosecutor Barr qualified and quantified what he said and thus tells us what he is not saying. Hay… a little commons sense, please, right from the start!


How long did Durham, Jensen, Huber work and we did not know it. We do not know who works on what, not now or ever unless we get tossed treat to gnaw. It is 'BY THE BOOK'. That is what BY THE BOOK means. We learn when we need to react to prepare ourselves and the public. This thing barely started and you-all wanting to start at the top. I get the feeling but that is not the way these things work… this thing that has never happened before, not in America.


You guys do not get it… POTUS is up the tree walking out on a narrow branch scouting ahead, ObamaGate peak and peek. Graham last week, Barr this week, 'We ain't coming up or out on that branch.' POTUS is leader pointing off on distant far horizon. 'We'll climb that summit too.' he yells down. Graham and Barr are huffing and puffing up the first foothill. We do not know who is way off up ahead scouting the impossible climb. But it must be somebody might good. Maybe somebody with a lot of good cover, you know like bad press, sneaking his way to the top, leaving markers only 45 can read.


I really do not spend much time on this platform and I am none too fond of 'Notables.' Mostly a waste of my time. I stick to other news sources finding this one not to cut grade for me.  Any extra time here is just picking up the fray and margin, taking temperature, seeing the span of the clan. Sometimes I come by to drop… then I'm gone. But for years I have closely studied and monitored Q. I miss plenty here on the day to day… yea, I'm real ignorant, big deal. 


I'm guessing you all missed 4235 when Q said:


Sounds like Deep Swampy State to me, right, no big deal, right, just more of the same old, same old, right?


What were the 3 preceding lines?

"Infiltration of US GOV?

This fact alone should scare every American.


'SHADOW PRESIDENCY', that's a whole new spin on it all. It sounds like 44 still, I mean currently even now in 2020, he barks orders and he has bureaucrats and judges and appointees and even elected jumping loops and through hoops for him in direct opposition to 45. That is picture painted in my feeble, ignorant, thoughts.


I have said ObamaGate is culmination or summation of RussiaGate and/or SpyGate if you wish to differentiate between the two. ObamaGate simply means it went all the way to the top, at least in terms of knowing. SHADOW PRESIDENCY is a whole new level if that is POTUS45 scope on ObamaGate. And I would think it needs whole separate pursuit, if that is point, scope.


So does Q tweak this platform a bit with a little Graham and Barr punching, well timed to send this board on tizzies after Q expends a long night and with big week still up ahead? Maybe even a heavy loss (thinking on flag and POTUS tweet) ! ? ! Does Q kick behinds? Get off duff and start digging on SHADOW PRESIDENCY… as in current… which I do not begin to know how to do that… so I don't. Or is Q just planting chatter hoping some tangent strikes the right angle on Obama. I mean 44 and Kerry shadowed 45 both before and after foreign trips. Does that start to paint a bigger picture, post 44 supposed departure. Was Rice at 12:15 the first defiant act? Has the State Department been jumping hurdles for them, 44/Kerry, on these travels. Was 44 calling out leak sequences in early days? Did 44 have hand in failed assassination attempts on 45, 2017… … …, using government assets, issue, time, monies?


We have been told things are worse than we have thus far been led to believe. Well SHADOWY PRESIDENCY is a grave escalation, no nice ride. I am not surprised it is held tight… but Q has put it out there, few days back, for gnaw and I don't mean nah.


Didn't Barry build an underground Oval? Did Barry build an underground, underground Oval? Whether (Weather) or not, that is in his breeding, political DNA going back to Russian speaking spooks for parents.


Does Q try to kick start this platform off in a new direction? Don't know, just don't know. Just trying to pitch snowballing Logic for you-all to swipe at.