This dumb guinea's been so nervous over the last few weeks, it really makes me wonder what they have on him.
Gokuposting = autofilter
Kek, I wonder what she looks like nowadays.
You don't enjoy setting them off once in a while? I've gotten some very strange and unsettling insight by attempting to have conversations with them across boards and sites.
>rolling brownouts
So is California just a 3rd world country now? We get 100+ temps for months here, but the power never goes out as a result.
Women in general get pretty awful past 27.
I'm not so sure that Skynetโข doesn't exist already, honestly.
I'm in TX, what I'm saying is that the power going out because of the heat is favela-tier stuff. Something you'd expect in Venezuela or North Korea. If CA's at that level, that's pretty intense.
It's almost like they're trying to fuck up so bad that anyone with any sense gets the hell out, leaving only the 1% and their illegal servants. It's a shame, California used to be where people went to live the American Dream (whatever the fuck that was), now it's like something out of a dystopian novel. Worse than that, I don't think any sci-fi writer could come up with a story this fucked up.
Nah bitch, this is the "you aren't a protected class and I can say whatever I want about you stupid whore" mega chad post.
There must be a lot of narcissists out there then. Because there are a lot of self-important, pretentious cunts who can't laugh at themselves. More than not, it seems.
If anything, this "virus" has really shown who people are deep down. Specifically, it's shown just how much of unquestioning drones and big of cowards many people are. Those idiots wearing those cloth gimp masks while alone in their car with the windows rolled up crack me up. And depress me at the same time.