Ty Baker!
Ty Baker!
A good heart is a good heart, and if she's got one, you're a lucky man. The trick is to remember them when she was young and beautiful and set the nights ablaze.
Western society has turned our women into degenerate whores.
They are selfish, Many without souls, it seems.
We can thank the media as well as the liberal education.
I live and work for a medical transportation company in Long Island, NY. During the height of things, we were all drinking a liter of Tonic Water per day.
None of us got sick.
Thant's 23 of us.
Not one got sick.
Not one.
I believe I actually had it back in late December. I suddenly fell so ill that I missed a day of work, which hardly ever happens. I was then sick for two weeks with a sore throat, which is odd since I had my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was five. I kept feeling like the sore throat was trying to get into my lungs, but I was taking a helluva cocktail of vitamins and etc. including 20g of liposomal vitamin C.