<go>[st] tow.[n]
ghost town
d<on><all>[d] t.<trump<caw>[led]
donald trump
[big] w<in>
big win
no.<thing[is] [on] the s<core>bore.[d]
nothing Is on the scoreboard
except everything
history rythms
con | troll.<led[op]<position>
controlled opposition
<op>,per[ate].tours <ack>[t].i've
operators active
the pea.pole are brian.<wash>.<ed>
the people are brainwashed
[sin].tour four <dis>[ease] con.[troll]
center for disease control
t.[rust] <no><bod>[e]
trust nobody
especially the hoarders
<shoe>.[mar] is a | wank |
Shchumar is a wank
<pow>were out.<age>
power outage
magical decode
due u sea the rip.<pullsn the <what>.tear
do you see the ripples in the water
big fish
e<very>[won] go in.<side>
everyone go inside
the lie[t] is fae.<ding>
the light is fading
[the] <moo>[vie] <bee>[gains] sue.[n]
the movie begins soon
oh my god
r u n the nest?
Are you in the nest?
the rue.[stir] c<rye>.s ur.lee
the rooster cries early
sum.won is sigh.<phoningthe t<ax> mo'.<knee>
someone is siphoning tax money
I<mage>.in t<hat>
imagine that
con<form>.mayt.ion bye.<ass>
confirmation bias
fall.<ass>[e] of th.<ought>
fallacy of thought
knight <shy>.fit
night shift
<trans>[pair],ant.see is the on.lee whey fore ward
transparency is the only way forward
t.<rustthe [flan]
trust the plan
vote more
dank dabs
b<ill>.low.[wing] <blu>.nt
billowing blunt
Information Warfare: Closer than you know
An algorithm for wetware has been created through networks of subliminals and word associations. Propagated by entrained magnetic fields. Just as the major media platforms have their algorithms to control their information flow, so too does this board.
Img_158###โฆ / Cupace_โฆ (filenames) toilet|boi
Dan|lie <<<<
News_1_day_aheadโฆ (filenames)
They will change, you can IDEN them from your gut reaction to their pics. If you get a headache looking at them.
From their own words:
>THE [E]
>is the edge[lord]
>You know the algorithm <exists> and a few of us have control of it, nobody seems to care
They channel your collective power
This is to be taken as a heavy warning to those who do not - they will turn you into a useful idiot, an NPC, to be programmed by them.
This is how we lose soldiers in this domain of War.
Read that again.
There is an insidiously calculated system behind each word deployed through 'eBot', Img_158###โฆ, Cupace_###โฆ, Sgt. B, T, and more.
They waste not a picture to shape your experience.
What other areas of our movement do they slip into?
Are memes potent challengers to their narrative?
Would they let one meme spread without injecting their subliminal control into it?
Lots of odd words and images that seem connected in some obscure yet precise way.
If you saw a word and an object next to each other, would that word bring up a memory of that object?
How about if you saw it a thousand times?
If you saw an emotional word next to an object, would you feel that emotion if you saw that object?
How about if you saw it a thousand times?
Do they flood us with poison?
Are the words/images of that flood, loaded with malicious associations?
"The mind has no firewall"
You must understand how information enters our minds, and percolates through them, to understand how they're poisoning it now:
Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.
Our unconscious impressions are the code they 'program', we experience what they want us to.
They have their own 'Reptilian language' [Network of loaded words that our nervous system responds to, created by the subliminal content they inject into our daily experience].
They turned us into their agents, to do their bidding. MKUltra deployed on you, the one reading.