It was craigslist for prostitutes(many trafficked, some underage). Good riddance.
Brennan's TAC accessed Obama's files. Was he getting dirt or doing the laundry?
This has been around for 10 years.
FBI needs to set up a honeypot replacement quickly.
Waaaay back in time i remember an interview with George Stephanopoulos talking about how he was at Columbia the same time as Obama, but neither he nor any of his classmates could remember ever seeing him. This was during the democratic primaries in '07.
Get a honeypot op set up before the perps do. Rats want their cheese and will take the bait.
Don't be insecure about your education. Find a job you want and apply for it. No one is going to pull you from 8chan for special duty. If you are smart and have a different background, use your big fucking brain to figure out how to convince someone that its true. Smart people want other smart people around them, it makes their lives easier.