If you hate China attack China.
I did.
If it's not worth giving your life for. It's not worth nothin.
If you hate jews attack jews I wouldn't.
If you hate Christians kill Christians losers.
Kayleigh has huge balls and is beautiful.
I am Gods assassin. Its kinda fun.
It is finished.
So sad you chose death.
I am the angel of death. Its just a job but I Like it.
> Comey is severely gay.
I hung out with the top christian leaders. They were all money grabbing losers.
And you support them.
I confronted them.
>Keith Green was a human trafficker.
Christianity is fake news,
I was friends wit the top guys they were in it for the money. They all died except for a few.
You would think but satan disagrees.
He is no different than you.
you got a pretty mouth.
Chistions murderd Christ.