Long time clockfag here. The simplest form is it organizes Q drops by the day around a clock face, which means it lines up posts every 60 days, and directly across from posts that increments every 30 days. That’s all you really need to know.
If you’re into puzzles, you can start to look at posts AND tweets and look at their timestamps. There appears to be a pattern that’s sorts out posts and links them to tweets and possibly news events.
There are a few clues given by Q that indicate this, one of my favorite is “Posts:Tweets:Time”.
I think that the minute marker of tweets relates to the increment that they are posted, and links to Q drops possibly by the seconds marker of the Q drops.
Ultimately the Q clock, or the Map, organizes all of this information we’ve been given and makes it digestible once it has been organized. If you read Q posts in order you’ll notice that they appear to be out of order, almost scattershot.
Resources at top of bread include links that can help you poke around, including trump tweets and tools that tell you the number of days between dates (minutes on Q clock).