Anonymous ID: 490137 May 19, 2020, 7:42 a.m. No.9237556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sqeeek, clunk, 1eye enters the room…


Hey Pepe? Hey 1eye, waz up? Well Pepe, I just wanted to do a qwick recap cuz Ize said a lot recently. See Pepe, I have done an in process review our Jesus, shewn you how to tell if you free or slave and taught you that itz up to you to be yer own savior and stand up fer yer own sovereignty. Yep, sure did that 1eye! And, I have told how we iz all family, we started as a family in love and by gosh we shuld end that way too. I also talked bout some kwel future stuff. Den I offered up a fair deal to all the Pepe’s good, bad or ugly cuz ize love dem all like family Pepe, just like family. So, I’m gonna give you the ball now pepe. Itz up to you all to put down yer anger wayz and seek peace on a foundation of loooove, lest we repeat Nuremberg and watch ole stinky Pete rob again. Now, I ain’t lied Pepe and I know dem frogs are gonna blossom, oh wee, day gunna blossom. Yull see Pepe, y’all gonna be yer own heroes…Yes Sir! So, until we meet again Pepe. Wait, 1eye, will we see you again? Well certainly Pepe, I’ll be flyin around YouTube (flyin bassists are hard not to notice) and I hope to be present if we make dat deal. Ok 1eye, but, I’m a, well, scared? Indeed Pepe, we gotz fear, but we also gotz love and lots of it. So apply some love to dat fear cuz there is a COWBOY in dis movie wether ya like it er not and he’s a tellin you dat YOU got dis!




Unleash them frogs!