Well, damn.
Love Ratty but no way he'll be better than Grinny was.
That would be a Prove Me Wrong I could live with, Anon.
How's cave life treating you, Plato?
I love the purst you got there, Grammy.
Like I told the OP Anon, I'll gladly take the Prove Me Wrong.
I'm just a huge fan of:
Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted.
Best bitter bitch face in the biz right there.
I miss muh sportsball, too.
>i was openly sayn there will be no red wave.
The key takeaway was there was no Blue Wave that normally would have happened if the past was any guide.
I kek'd too but I seethed a little because Toots got dragged into it.
Her feet weren't as ugly as those meanies at /pol/ were claiming.