>When does your enemy expend ammunition?
When they need to silence you because you make too much sense and you're showing a lot of strength. When you are gaining a lot of support that is going against their narrative/purpose.
>Do you expend ammunition against a weak opponent?
That would be wasteful. POTUS is not a weak opponent, Q/(you) is not a weak opponent.
>Do you expend ammunition against a non_threat?
Not necessary to expend ammo against a non_threat. Waste of ammo, waste of time.
>Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v POTUS
Because POTUS is a strong opponent and makes sense and makes America Great Again - and they don't like that! Goes against their 16 yr plan to destroy America, therefore POTUS is attacked daily!!
>Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v Q [you]
Q & Anons are strong opponents and are affecting and going against their narrative, therefore, must be taken down! Therefore, we are attacked daily!!