>>9237837 lb
God bless anon. Glad for you. Regardless of how anything else is going, it is a great comfort and peace inside when you know you are seeking God & spiritual truth as the highest priority in life (Matthew 6). Sorry for the long reply; I'm kind of talking to myself here as much as you:
In my experience, the path (Matthew 7) is a long journey of incremental growth (and many stumbles) over a long time. Not like flipping a switch from Off to On, which is how it seemed for me in the past. More like the relationship in a good marriage that grows, struggles, and deepens over decades through good times and hard times, versus the pleasure and excitement of a passionate short-term romance.
My advice is to use the resources of other people's teaching/preaching cautiously, taking from it some encouragement and insights you need at the time, if that's the only place you can find it. But evaluating everything they say and not assuming they are right, remembering that all humans are to some extent misguided and doing things out of self-interest, even those who do public preaching and Bible teaching.
Personally I have stopped trying to find spiritual direction from people who make Youtube videos about the Bible and prophecy. Not saying they aren't genuine or decent people, or that they don't deserve to make money from what they do. Just a decision that has worked for me, and at the moment I'm finding more meaning in older books like "The Imitation of Christ" from the 14th century. But even then, I don't consider it a source of tuth, just a prompt for things to think about. It is the Holy Spirit inside each person that leads each person to all truth (John 16), not some smiley guy in a video with cool music and visual effects. If the youtuber you mentioned is the one I'm thinking of, go back and watch his "September 23 Revelation Signs in the Sky" vids from a few years ago, and see if anything he predicted came to pass.
Anyway, I agree on your other points, and it's great to hear. It's good to be here with anons like you, seeking for truth, encouarging each other, and fighting for the future of the country.