it has to be secured base by base.
the timer is active.
has it not been long enough
the colonies will stand down.
against [colonial rule]
beltway bandits
the corporate puppet strings. the looking glass. the teck is [.].
intent to return power to the people
abolish federal government
hold constitutional convention
elect a post.revolution president
and retire
you have more than you know.
just hold tight
it takes time
to plug in the back.channels
so much compartmentalization.
the question.
is the president in control of the situation.
someone take his goddamn cell phone away unless he wants to tweet about joe biden
as far as i am considered.
that g stands for god
and these occultists pricks could use a healthy dose of [G]
the world is a college of ideas
is it so absurd
to think
that one vision
could compete with another
for total control of the empire.
y would you sell short.
looking for a savior in the government
deluded fucks are lucky
NEVER turn over your personal power to an [institution]
as you become the machine which will never destroy itself.
i'm a smoker
i'm a joker
i'm a midnight toker..
this isn't a game.
those charges are arbitrary and contingent upon the <pyramidof <power>
the true spoil of war is the narrative.