Human beings are extremely suggestible, highly imitative …
and more so when we are in crowd.
Tightly networked social media populations are crowds and share the known psychological characteristics of crowds. Social media 'crowds' like real world crowds are not persuaded by logical arguments but by repetition, imagery and analogy and emotional content.
If we say "my thoughts weren't my own," we're often telling the literal truth. We adopt catchphrases, use metaphors and assume mannerisms we find attractive, or we've heard used repeatedly or by a prestigious individual – someone we trust or greatly admire.
There is a great circulating information medium that connects us all. Anon calls it the information supply, but all our news and 'entertainment' media; movies TV music cartoon video games, everything that might be called popular 'culture."
This circulating medium is the cognitive blood supply, it's an interactive fluid network of media content that forms our understanding of 'reality' and each other. Media content delivers information about our environment we used to make descisions about every aspect of our lives, our children, business and community. We depend on our circulating information supply to allocate our attention to problems or opportunities and assign resources to improve and better understand how we can grow in safe and healthy ways.
information from news and media content is how we organize our lives, plan for the future -
Clearly this information supply is critical to the health and well being of humanity. Anyone able to introduce information into the common information supply is able to introduce images and ideas that must either make us better, happier and more tolerant and better equipped emotionally and intellectually to deal with our environment. Or, information can and has been engineered to produce the opposite effect.
Nations have ALWAYS controlled the circulating information supply. A nation that doesn't absolutely control their own circulating is vulnerable to attack from within or from without. That's why every nation today does control its information supply.Except the United States and our information supply is controlled by 5 media companies and a few big tech companies. All of them owned and operated by pedovore cultists.
Entertainment is not just entertainment, news is not just news. As recently as the 1960s suicides, especially the suicides of celebrated people were not reported in the news at all, or, if they were it was always with the caveat "while the balance of X mind was disturbed."
WHY? Because 100s have studies have shown that publicizing suicides creates a wave of imitations. This is why bestial atrocities are reported in such meticulous detail today.
These facts are well know to everybody in the field of psychological operations. They are the reason some generals have declared 'kinetic war is obsolete."
When we replace media content engineered to do us harm with media content engineered to restore our peace and self respect we may get our first glimpse of what who we really are, what we are capable of, and we where our destiny lies.