Future is short.
6 months to election.
Times running out for the American people.
November 3rd is coming up quick.
But yet we still see the Kenyan squatter spewing his anti American hate on television.
We see DS players laughing at us.
If there truly are BOOM'S, drop them….NOW.
Carpet bomb the bastards.
Send them running and hiding.
The American people have suffered enough along with the rest of the world.
What happens if Trump isn't re-elected in November ? (God forbid)
All this goes away and the DS will come after everyone with a vengeance.
If Trump is re-elected in November what will happen after his second term ?
If a Democrat DS player is elected they to will come after everyone with a vengeance.
So either way it's a lose lose situation.
These treasonous DS players need to be taken down, and taken down NOW.
Not soon, or in weeks, or months……NOW.
They need to be hit from all sides.
The declassified stuff dropped recently is old news and soon will be forgotten.
It's just the nature of the internet.
Anything posted 5 minutes ago is old news.
Either way you look at it the future is dim if action isn't taken NOW.
That's hot