To maintain a lie for years is hard, Q!
Trump could have refused the lockdown and nothing would have happened but the seasonal flu.
Instead he destroyed businesses and helped the enemy of the people to prepare test-kits and vaccines, 5G and mass surveillance. Good uncle Trump will sell you the death penalty in a vaccine (the "red pill").
Trump did nothing to stop bigtech, pharma, climate engineering, abortion, etc. He is only an actor, a puppet of the elite. Everything he promised was a bubble or didn't happen in the first place.
Q is a joke. It is all a soap opera to pacify people, nothing else. The brave New World…
mass surveillance,
limited freedom,
mandatory vaccination,
a depopulation culture,
false religions,
discouraged people who have to live among unwanted cultures.
Big companies are the winners, small business and families are the losers. The natural connection between individuals of homogenous western societies will get lost due to mass immigration.
Once the Trump- and Q-show is over, they will leave behind a complete mess. No more popcorn!
The real deplorable is Donald Trump. He never could get anything done without fraud