Anonymous ID: a38cf3 N95 mask & Covid 19 May 19, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.9239516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9589 >>9635 >>9754

If an N95 mask protects you down to 30 microns

And the CV19 is between 6 and 14 microns


Why are people wearing the mask?


They are breathing in their own CO2 limiting the oxygen in take.

Normal air we breathe is only 19% oxygn


With the mask how little oxygn might we be taking in; wearing a mask all can can be a health hazard.


Don't believe me look to the internet or a mdeical book


They are telling us people are dying from the Corona Virus.


Wake up they did not say Covid 19. Doctors locally have NO visual symptoms to differentiate a common flu from Covid 19. The body's reaction is exactly the same.


To determine if it is COVID 19 you need to send a sample of to a special RNA/DNA lab where the sample can be grown, seperated and died prior to recombing the RNA to compare it to a sample of the Covid 19. Anyone have a sample? Did anyone send in for these time consuming, complicated and expensive RNA tests. The answer is likely NO.


That means this is a hoax, a fraud, a lie, a sham. Do a little research and you will find they said a virus stays on a flat surface for 24 hours, NOPE that is bacteria. Viruses only live on a flat surface for a few minutes at most.


Sneezes are expeled at 200 mph. What good is a 6 foot distance?


Do your research!