Does China want a hot war?
Don't do it Trump, Please.
Definitely seems that way. It would be a convenient way to get rid of their young, male surplus population. Also be able to blame their economic collapse, which is coming, on the United States.
Yet Newsom is demanding federal bailouts in order to reopen. Fuck Newsom and the people who keep electing him.
Agree with all points. Fortunately for Chinese normies Trump cares about them more than their communist overlords do. I'm wondering what the red line with China is, it seems to me they are already waging undeclared war against us. We would whip them but with great loss of life on all sides. Hope it doesn't come to that.
Their ultimate king is the devil. People will laugh or roll their eyes but it is the truth.
Could you expand for me? Do you mean China will be fighting Israel or we will be too busy fighting China to be involved in Israeli wars?
[enemy combatant]
Interesting anon, ty.