This article cites ONLY the crappy VA study, rather than many better ones (e.g., the French study with over 1000 patients).
>I would rather prefer Q explained Derz and Fauci existence close to POTUS….
Maybe you'd like Q to pick up your dry cleaning, as well??
>[if no mask], we may penalize you.
Throw you out?
Charge you an extra 10%?
Bring in Torquemada?
just a joke…..sort of.
I'm older, my goal is not to wear a mask once, just stay away from places that require them. A lady working in Home Depot garden center checking people out had no mask: "I'm not afraid."
>revoke your Lowes card
> tie you to a pile of lumber and beat you with a 2X4
hmmm…..which is worse, i wonder….
just talked to handyman who was at Home Depot an hour ago. Saw no sign but everyone was wearing a mask. Theory: contractors wear masks coz it's their work, can't afford to get shut down, so they comply. Normies wear masks for the usual reasons.
whoa, check this out:
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