I was attacked by police officers paid to shut down our efforts to clean up corrupt politicians in our small town (4,000 pop). It happened 2 years ago and much like General Flynn I have be tied up in court fighting false charges levied by the police.
I walked out of my house to face 8 officer pointing guns at me. I was in my sock feet and not armed. I had not committed a crime nor have I in the past. Without cause they tased me 4 times. I was not fighting, I was not running, I was standing stock still not wanting to get shot. I do not drink alcohol or due drugs.
Without conversation they violently knocked me to the ground and cuffed me. They sent me to a hospital where I was forced into a Psych ward for almost 4 days before I could prove I was sane and not suicidal.
Three weeks later I received two summons to appear in court for federal charges. Things I did not do! With federal charges you cannot buy or own a gun. See were they were going? They did not want me to forget who was in control. Who had the muscle!
They came to my house with the order of lethal and near lethal force; basically a dead or alive poster of the old west.
They framed me saying I was doing to kill my wife, self and the police if they came. NOPE never said that or anything like it. The 14 page report was filled with lies to frame me and to give them a cover to protect their violent actions.
During the attack one of them was on the phone with the Mayor (one we had been politically fighting).
The county police harassed me for six months afterwards with a show of physical strength and size at the local gym.
We had been fighting political corruption for 6 years and were wining more that they liked.
Not politically active in your community, WHY? Don't Vote, WHY? Don't walk petitions, don't show up at Alderman meetings, nor learn about candidates, or help them campaign, WHY?
The crooks walked off with an $87 million dollar TIF they did not merit. Our tax dollars! Some say this is part of Soros. If you take 1,000 communities and steal just 1 million dollars that becomes 1 billion dollars. This may be another way Soros earn money by getting a portion of the take?
Corrupt politicians can change community regulations and policies to benefit those paying them off. The can shift the value of property by small changes that allow them or developers to scoop up your land for other uses. You loose when selling your house for less than its real value.
This is not JUST happening in DC. You are now seeing Governors, Senators, Congressmen, Judges and Lawyers as well as Prosecuting a Attorneys that are crooked.
Take a close look at your community and get the citizens involved. Citizens are often complacent willing to let others take over. And that is just what is happening; Others are taking over.
Let's start fighting back at the community level. Get people involved politically. Start petitions, look at what is wrong with new regulations and laws being passed in your community. Write articles in the local paper, write editorials, give speeches at Alderman meetings, be an Alderman, be a Mayor, be a hero.