Anonymous ID: 56834b May 19, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.9241659   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am running for Gov in wa state Anons want to help ?


For the 2020 election TVW and the Office of the Secretary of State are again producing a Video Voters’ Guide (VVG) for all statewide offices and ballot measures. The VVG will be available online and will be televised on statewide cable TV, reaching approximately 4 million people. There is no cost to participate.

This year, due to coronavirus, we are not recording statements in our studio. Rather, candidates must tape their own statements and send us the video file for inclusion in the VVG. Read carefully the instructions below.

About your video statement:

• Your statement will be posted online and televised unedited.

• Candidate statements must be recorded as a continuous, unedited speech – not recorded in pieces and then edited together. No camera movement nor mixed shots. No b-roll video. Edited videos will be rejected.

• No visual aids, such as campaign buttons, charts, printed hats, etc., may be worn.

• Clothing representing incumbency, such as judicial robes, may not be worn.

• Visual backgrounds must be one-color, neutral, and non-decorative; no virtual backgrounds

• Statements are limited to 3 minutes.

• Statements may not contain obscene, profane, libelous or defamatory language. (Do not refer to other candidates by name). TVW reserves the right to censor any statement it deems inappropriate.

• Deadline: TVW must receive your video statement by 5 pm Friday, May 29.

How to record your video statement:

• TVW produced a short 1:30 video that shows you everything you need to know about recording your statement –backdrop, framing, lighting, and more. Please watch before recording.

• Watch the video at this link:

Where to send your video statement:

• Upload file to this link:

• Label it with your name and office – example Jane Smith, State Treasurer.