NABU timeline cont.
May, 2016: NABU and the Ukraine parliamentarian Serhiy Leshchenko,backed by billionaire activist George Soros,published information from the Party of Region’s “black ledger” showing the party spent large sums of money on advertising and services of high state officials. It became a key document implicating Manafort in corruption in Ukraine. In reality, Manafort never took cash, but was paid through wires out of Cyprus–perfectly legit.During the Obama administration, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev worked with the Soros-related groups in opposition research on the Trump campaign.Leshchenko also provided the info about the "black ledger" to Chalupa, who then passed this info on to Michael Isikoff, of Yahoo News. Chalupa also passed the Black Ledger info on to Glenn Simpson at Fusion GPS, who passed them on to staffer Nellie Ohr. It was the news reports both the FBI and later Mueller would include in his Report, despite the FBI and State having been alerted to its veracity and lack of verification. Ukraine’s anti-corruption prosecutor, Nazar Kholodnytskyy, avers he warned State and FBI in the summer of 2016 they considered it a fraud.He had told them:
“It was not to be considered a document of Manafort. It was not authenticated. And at that time it should not be used in any way to bring accusations against anybody.”
Manafort’s Ukrainian business partner Kilimnik, on information (an informer?) of the State Dept., after seeing the NYT's article in August of 2016 the ledger was fake, said in an August 22 email Manafort:
“could not have taken large amounts of cash across three borders. It was always a different arrangement — payments were in wire transfers to his companies, which is not a violation. I have some questions about this black cash stuff because those published records do not make sense. The timeframe doesn’t match anything related to payments made to Manafort. … It does not match my records. All fees Manafort got were wires, not cash.””
FBI and Mueller were given copies of Kilimnik’s email. Because FBI regulations prohibit the use of questionable information, the FBI and Mueller avoided listing the actual use of ledger, instead using the Media reports about it, the FBI even assisting in those reports! They used the REPORTS and NOT the ledger itself to obtain a search warrant for Manafort's house in July of 2017, saying in their affidavit:
“On Aug. 19, 2016, after public reports regarding connections between Manafort, Ukraine and Russia — including an alleged ‘black ledger’ of off-the-book payments from the Party of Regions to Manafort — Manafort left his post as chairman of the Trump campaign.”
They also used these report as "probable cause" to search his bank records:
“The April 12, 2017, Associated Press article reported that DMI (Manafort’s company) records showed at least two payments were made to DMI that correspond to payments in the black ledger.”
They didn't bother to mention it was WEISSMANN, who would be Mueller's second in the investigation, that had met with the Media a day before the publication of those articles, advising them, something filed by the FBI on April 11, 2017, that the AP (Media):
"were advised that they appeared to have a good understanding of Manafort’s business dealings."
Furthermore, those AP reporters were connected with Fusion GPS, one of whom, Chad Day, was also associated with Steele.According to the Conservative Tree House:
Those AP reporters are almost virtually guaranteed to be the same AP reporters that are participants within the Fusion GPS network; and the same AP reporters who collaborate with Andy Weissmann et al.These endless media scribes were willing participants within the 2015/2016/2017 plot, plan and execution; and as such they are clearly acting/writing to protect themselves and their interests.
In reality, Manafort had not received "cash", but had was paid via bank wires through Cyprus, something of which the FBI had been apprised in the 2014 investigation of Manafort and Rick Gates, his firm's partner, for which they had been cleared, according to the FBI's own memos:
“Gates stated that the amounts they received would match the amounts they invoiced for services. Gates added they were always paid late, and in tranches,”
June 5, 2016:NABU met with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt to augment their relationship with the FBI.
June 30, 2016:NABU and the FBI formalized their relationship, allowing the FBI to keep an onsite office at NABU (more than one agent).
October, 2016: Foreign Policy article, What Will Ukraine Do Without Uncle Joe, described Biden's removal of Ukraine’s Shokin. NABU, to whom the entire investigation had been handed after the removal of Shokin, shut it down.