We understand, many of us do. We all get impatient though this is hard. You are very patient with our emotional outbursts and it's appreciated.
We understand, many of us do. We all get impatient though this is hard. You are very patient with our emotional outbursts and it's appreciated.
Not surprising, people do have a have some kind of reason they are supporting evil and it's probably because they are too
Q's responses are remarkably patient given the tantrums we throw here
Yea but obviously they can't tell us that because they would be telling the enemy too
Those of us that have been here from near the beginning are especially anxious, it has been a grueling journey
I can't wait until Trump has Jeff over for dinner at the White House and they magically bury the hatchet in one hour lol
psyops has been employed against us here relentlessly. Some of us are here are now probably some of the most resilient in the world at resisting it by now.