hello fellow white people ;-)
would a kind person look at this pdf. please?
this was dropped on general research.
why? i know it is about DNA, & two verses from Holy Scripture
appear, both speak to the issue of the Potter and the clay.
"The Hamburg District Court has determined that the international certificate is fake n gay."
What EXACTLY is this about and why use Treva?
On the basis that anon had DNA test done
revealing 88% English (all north west), and 12% German (all on
the border of Swabia and Bavaria) which means anon has a family secret apparently at about the great or great great grandparent level (I think) would any of my new family help me out?
nice try mohel
lets see how do I do this in German..
Achtung Khazarien Wanker!
According to the Talmud and extra-Talmudic
sauces whom do you hate the most, and why?