>>9243197 Or scared of not stopping the inevitable revolution that will happen when the whole world wakes up to this shit. The ultimate distraction king. Pure Mossad operation. That's why Israel is/was left for last, cause we would be to fucked by the time we found out the truth of who was running this shit…
"Keep running anons. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Here is a post from a fucking nobody on twitter. Rejoice! See? We are winning. Keep running. Don't think just run. Everything is cool. Patriots are in control even though your country has just been sold out to the satanic world banks to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars and you have probably lost your business or your job, or a loved one. DIG DIG DIG! Even though we have it all and there really is nothing you can do with said information. I still need you to dig until you cannot dig no more. Or until you take the vaccine. Just please don't rebel and rise up. Only shills stand up to fight for their country right?"