>>9243133, >>9243157 They're very different. Different purpose. Different style. Different syntax. Different knowledgebase. Different hours of posting. I'm laughing my ass off that some mistakenly identify the memefarmer as one of either of them too. Memefarmer makes and collects memes to help our cause. Sometimes memefarmer posts hashtags links to the meme library because that helps everyone to Unite and Pull in the Same Direction so we can Win. I like the anon you call patchfag (I hate that name) because they are helping us all Pull in the Same direction. Their suggestions have been beneficial in constructing better meme ammo. (AFLB never helped anons construct better logical arguments or better ammo – they just posted endless memes of an alien girl strangling Pepe in a choke hold from behind, and pictures of French aristocracy. Long ago when they were larping as the shillfag "Tiresias" they used to post phoney christian religious images that they did not understand, each picture violating the Commandment against graven images and false idols).
>>9243167 see LB for EO.
Let's not let #OBAMAGATE stop trending
Keep #Obamagate going until it is not censored in trends.
Fire till you run out of ammo - then get more ammo
Oh btw, QResearch ammo depot has infinite capacity. We NEVER run out. Meme Corps is always making MOAR.
★ ★ ★
900+ memes available here
Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw
#Obamagate folder also contains #BidenKnew #BrennanKnew #SchiffKnew
#ComeyKnew #HillaryKnew #PowerKnew #ClapperKnew #MuellerKnew
#RiceKnew #SubpoenaObama #Coup and all similar hashtags related to
#Obamagate meme warfare
★ ★ ★
Anons are courageous.
Anons have fortutude.
Anons are undeterred.
Anons know our purpose.
Anons always act to improve things.
Anons are selfless, nameless, faceless.
Zero vanity.
Where we go one, we go all.
Stay together!
We journey together.
One step at a time.
Now back to the main course.
Keep it trending.
I can't imagine anyone who supports President Trump and Q would oppose this.
What better way to wake normies and get them engaged?
For tomorrow #MuellerKnew
we could emphasize his role
delivering the Uranium sample
to Russia. Never did find out
why he did that, did we?
Was it a sample prior to Hillary
arranging to sell them 20% of
America's strategic uranium reserves?
I made a few.
Check this ammo folder for all the memes pertaining to the virus and its aftermath on American society.
✅Kung Flu ——— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ (COVID-19 virus from China)
There are 700+ memes in that folder.