manafort already jailed, tortured in solitary for a 'black book' that has come out as fake, and now on home release.
Roger Stone dragged out of his house before dawn by jack-booted commie thugs with their propaganda division dutifully recording their heroics for posterity.
General Flynn: bankrupted, has his family threatened, is blackmailed with the safety of his son unless he obeys the stassi.
Traitors, seditionists, insurrectionists, all identified - many through their own words on camera, many who publicly told the most massive lies, still walk around, give tv interviews, get paid to prance around trashing justice and laughing all the way to the bank.
4 years…only those on the side of President Trump have been punished in any way shape or form.
4 years…the guilty waltz around freely, the nation is held ransom by evil, 10's of millions are now unemployed and crazy nancy antoinette eats ice cream.
Not only will the two-tier justice system NOT be ended by those sucking up to President Trump to his face but lying about things when they are not…it will only get worse.
Any anon reading this who did a tenth of what the obomber scum did would have been in jail years ago…with years to go ahead of them…but not in today's America. Instead, we get told for years that things will improve, that the two-tier justice system will end, that the traitors, seditionists and insurrectionists will be caught, we've been provided with the laws that were broken, the actual US Law Codes showing to even a blind person that crimes were committed, that "two or more" orchestrated treason/sedition "KNOWINGLY" and in - as shitft-for-brains put it - "plain sight" and the fact that nothing has been done to any of the criminals in 4 years shows that there is nothing more than optics being used: Oh, it's serious! They committed crimes! This should never happen again! Woe is us if we don't do something…or at least appear as if something might be done sometime in the future (looking at you lindsey graham…you no-name's tit sucker you). No, woe is us because there are only one or two people in the whole friggin' Trump cabinet who truly support him and don't say one thing to his face and the opposite when being interviewed.
It will happen again. It is happening now. The criminals are not being arrested because agreements have been made. Not agreements that you or I could make with the government…but agreements that one part of the corrupt evil make with the other part of corrupt evil that call themselves "American politicians" when in reality they are anything but 'American!'
But sadly, the majority of Americans "consent" to having their country destroyed.
At least the ones who truly hate America are willing to identify themselves in public…they wear masks to show all that they are already braindead and willing to accept anything if they are told to do it.
libtard demonrats thy true name is moronial…but feel noble, because the word for rino scum isn't even close to being as nice as moronial!