Governor Inslee is crazy and delusional, Whitmer from Mich is a crazy narcissistic nazi bitch, Cuomo is a guido mafioso….and he doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself and just like most people like him who do not have the gift of self reflection he has entered the beginning phases of his own demise brought on by himself. Diblasio is an imposter so much so he doesn't even use his birthname. Murphy is a power hungry dirty Irishman who has maintained some level of Irish guilt so he sways side to side not real sure if what he is doing is going to cost him bigtime…..hell he can just go o confession
These govenors are traitors and need to be forcibly removed and charged as such. Violating our basic civil rights, causing harm to innocent citizens who are fighting for said rights….this is the tyranny, its here….people are starting to fight back, this is just the beginning….