I'm no longer looking at arrests or the Election. I'm looking at 2022, 2023, 2024. I'm looking at fair sports by changes to anti trust exemptions. I'm looking forward to finance changes to support ending the Fed. I'm looking at the end of Liberal Academia influence, the end of Foreign Aid, the end of outsourcing, intellectual, industrial, technical, across the board. I'm seeing the end of Hollywood as we know it, Intel Agencies as we know them, the FBI / DOJ as we know them.
I'm not looking at stupid shit like what happens to that treacherous twat licking psychopath that sold out America. I'm looking to making her an ink stain in history by blotting her out with American exceptionalism as we move into the light of a new dawn for America.
I don't think small anymore. I think of the light. I think of commerce, abundance, blessings, creations, manifestation, love.
We own the field of dreams now Anons.