NABU Leaks Quick Overview
Second Notable
Not nmentioned in the video details but the Minister of Finance was Natalie Jaresko.
Jaresko is a Chicago-born investment banker who previously served as director of USAID in Europe. In 2014 she was given Ukrainian citizenship to serve as Minister of Finance Dec 2014 - May 2016.
In 2017, after the Puerto Rico hurricanes she was appointed director of the PR Financial Oversight Board.
She is a member of CFR, Aspen Institute and Atlantic Council.
Background and career details on wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Jaresko
some articles:
Natalie Jaresko - “How Ukraine’s Finance Chief Got Rich”
(Nov 10, 2015 by Robert Parry)
“Phony ‘Corruption’ Excuse for Ukraine Coup”
(Nov 2, 1016 by Robert Parry)
Seems after Jaresko left Ukraine, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia Evelyn Farkas had made several trips to Ukraine as a part of Altlantic Council. Anon notes include specific Burisma related trips April 2017 (annual conference), January 2020.
another good article:
Politicians and their Families - Corrupt Ukrainian Sandbox
Supreme Court ruling "ex parte milligan 71 us 2 section 98"
(both legal resources have the same text),
May 15 House Votes Violated the Rules and the US Constitution
FAQ from the House Committee on Rules:
Q. Can I vote remotely by proxy immediately after the House adopts this resolution?
A: No. The resolution and accompanying regulations lay out what must occur in order to trigger this system, including the Sergeant-at-Arms notifying the Speaker of an ongoing public health emergency due to a novel coronavirus and a 24-hour notice period before final passage votes so that Members may secure proxies. These important steps cannot be completed on the same day the House adopts the resolution.
May 13 House Rules Committee debated standing order to amend rules for proxy voting
No Sergeant At Arms report detailing members status as required by House Rule XX, only "notification" to the Speaker
May 15 H.Res. 967 House voted on proxy period May 19-July 21 – vote was by proxy
May 15 H.Res. 965 House voted on proxy voting method – vote was by proxy and before May 19
May 15 H.R. 6800 House voted on HEROES Act – vote was by proxy before the 24 hr period and before the May 19 effective date, so existing House Rules XX for quorum and voting still applied.
Neither Resolution cited legal authority by any one of 3 citations: the National Emergencies Act, 50 USC Sec 1601 or Proclamation 9994.
All the three votes occurred by proxy within 12 hours on May 15 and prior to the effective May 19 date.
House Rules XX Quorum and Voting were grossly violated. No quorum roll call was conducted. A quorum was not present because the Speaker directed them to work from home. No member was not present due to a catastrophic event. The Sergeant At Arms did not provide an official report.
Violation of the US Constitution Article I Section 5 Clause 1.
House Committee on Rules:
Rules of the House: (applicable pages attached)
H. Res 967 and Report 116-421
H. Res 965 and Report 116-420
House Floor Stream