young men should know: if you don't get sex it's the way it should be for you.
you're like a rose that hasn't budded.
you're like a caterpillar that hasn't grown it's wings.
What BBC and the cringe svengalis do toyou boys: they seep sex into everything. They taunt you with foolishly promiscuous constant imagery of satyr quality 'sex-creatures' who really aren't the kind who women would choose for husband material . . . or are just presented in a false way.
they stir up all your jearlousy, when you should be working with these other men and teaming with them to do great (non sexual) things.
Instead BBC writes about a grotesque made-up 'type' of 'person' and then gives stereotype names for other ones.
A young man is given all this fake promiscuous view of other people and . . . they are too immature to realize that it's all fakken-ghaaaye.
it starts whenyou are just 8 or 9 years old. They never let up.
And for the boys who the the girls don't want it's a constant stream of subliminals to 'feminize you'.
All in all be what you are. Pick one good person for a spouse. STand by them no matter what when you marry them (and even if you dont' be a faithful friend).
and stop think 'oh he gets sex and I don't'
he also gets disease.
he also gets controlled by the woman
he also screws up his chances with the women who might want to build a life wiht him, who aren't just using him (like the promiscuous girls , we knew them in college, would do).
Fake fake faken-gaahye.
they want you boys to grow up too soon.
Don't believe that everyone is always having sex but you. Why would you want to join in that disese fest anyway? I see a sea of empty headed dreamers lost in a nightmare that hasn't kicked in, alone in the crowd, when I see those seas of faces at the sex-rave. IT's an empty room.