Anonymous ID: 50feeb May 20, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.9254376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739


Don't usually pay much attention to reports here, but keep an eye on it just in case. Thought this was interesting - naturally no confirmation, but timing interesting…


"…a discussion wherein Prime Minister Johnson revealed that the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS-MI6) could not give him a positive assurance that he wasn’t deliberately infected with the coronavirus as a means to assassinate him, but which he said under British law would have meant his Conservative Party would still remain in power if he had died, as they would have just chosen a new leader—but thereafter saw Prime Minister Johnson expressing his fears to President Putin that this same type of leadership didn’t apply in the United States…if both Trump and Pence were struck down at the same time, all power would go to … Speaker Nancy Pelosi.