Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.9254822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4892 >>5091 >>5398 >>5432



Clown Baker DSBCB formerly Doc note the bread number fuck up, he does this all the time, see image


>>9253956 EU Commissioner: Bloc would be poorer without migrants

>>9253977 Watch: Nigel Farage Films French Navy Escorting ‘Packed’ Migrant Boat Into British Waters

>>9254003 Media, NGOs Outraged as Hungary Defines Sex as Biological

>>9254004 The Federal Trade Commission says it's received reports of nursing homes taking away stimulus checks from residents.

>>9254044 State Makes All Adults in England Organ Donors Unless They Object

>>9253991 19 Letter Words

>>9254022 Kelso City Council votes down proclamation to defy Inslee's orders

>>9254153 Operation Dark Winter is the codename for an in 2001 (June 22-23) conducted bio-terrorist attack simulatio

>>9254158 Speech in Opposition to H.Res. 965 Creating a “Virtual” Congress

>>9254183 Ukraine: Poroshenko awards Orders of Ukraine to US Senators McCain and Graham

>>9254263 'As though something has changed': Former WHO official says coronavirus not increasing in reopened areas

>>9254344 WHO MSM fear porn continues

>>9254347 MSM Is Panicking: American “Conspiracy Theories” Enter “Dangerous New Phase”

>>9254559, >>9254570 Ukraine judge orders Joe Biden be listed as alleged perpetrator of crime in prosecutor’s firing

>>9254589 Executive Order on Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.9254876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senate Republicans issue first subpoena in Biden-Burisma probe


Senate Republicans issued their first subpoena on Wednesday as part of wide-ranging investigations tied to the Obama administration.


The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted along party lines to issue a subpoena for Blue Star Strategies, a firm with ties to Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the chairman of the panel, has homed in on the U.S. firm as he probes Hunter Biden's work for Burisma Holdings, where Biden — the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee — was a member of the board until he stepped down in 2019.


The subpoena asks for records from Jan. 1, 2013, to the present of Blue Star Strategies "related to work for or on behalf of Burisma Holdings or individuals associated with Burisma." Johnson is also requesting an interview with top Blue Star officials to discuss the subpoena.


"This is not my choice to spend any amount of time on this vote. I would have issued the subpoenas quietly," Johnson said.


He added that when the committee previously considered subpoenaing a former consultant for the firm there was a "bipartisan suggestion that if you want the records from Blue Star, why don't you just subpoena Blue Star? I said, so I will, so that's what we're doing here."


Senate Democrats fumed over the decision for Johnson to schedule the subpoena vote amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Sen. Gary Peters (Mich.), the top Democrat on the panel, warned that the "extremely partisan investigation is pulling us apart."


"This is not a serious bipartisan investigation in the tradition of this committee, and I do not believe we should be going down this road," Peters said during the committee meeting.


He tried to table the subpoena vote until the committee could get a closed-door briefing with FBI and intelligence community officials, but the move was blocked by Republicans.


Democrats have warned for weeks, both publicly and privately, that GOP senators are using the panel to target President Trump's political rivals and potentially inadvertently spread Russian misinformation.


Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) said Wednesday that Republicans were trying to investigate "partisan nonsense and conspiracy theories."


"There is much urgent work for this committee and the Senate as a whole to carry out. This markup is not that work, to put it politely," Hassan said.


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) added that Johnson had made a "unilateral" decision to pursue the subpoena.

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.9254900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5069 >>5091 >>5398 >>5432

Khamenei explains ‘final solution’ poster: I favor destroying Israel, not Jews


After being accused of endorsing genocide, Iranian supreme leader says annihilating the Jewish state ‘means abolishing the imposed regime’ and ousting ‘thugs’ like Netanyahu


Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday said he only wishes for Israel’s destruction and not the annihilation of all Jews, after facing accusations of endorsing genocide.


Khamenei was commenting on a poster published on his website that used the words “final solution” in calling for Israel’s destruction, a term usually associated with Nazi Germany’s plans to eliminate Jews during the Holocaust.


“Eliminating the Zionist regime doesn’t mean eliminating Jews. We aren’t against Jews. It means abolishing the imposed regime & Muslim, Christian & Jewish Palestinians choose their own govt & expel thugs like [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu,” Khamenei wrote on his Twitter account.

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.9254936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Court rejects Netanyahu’s request to skip opening of his corruption trial Sunday


Sources close to PM confirm he’ll attend hearing, after judges find no grounds to exempt him from defendant’s obligation to hear readout of indictment


The Jerusalem District Court on Wednesday rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request to skip the start of his corruption trial, requiring him to appear for the opening hearing on Sunday.


“The rule is that a defendant is present for the reading [of the indictment], which is the opening of the trial. This is the case in every criminal procedure including the current criminal procedure,” the judges wrote in their ruling.


“We did not find in the explanations of the petitioner reason to justify an exception to this rule,” they added.


Concerning his claim that his presence at the May 24 hearing was unnecessary as Netanyahu has read the indictment, the judges said it was necessary he be present to confirm he understands the charges against him.


They also dismissed his assertion that the large number of security guards accompanying him would violate Health Ministry guidelines limiting the number of people in a courtroom, as part of measures to contain the coronavirus. The judges said they had already taken his security detail into account when considering who would be allowed into the hearing.


Additionally, the judges rejected Netanyahu’s request to have a second lawyer in the courtroom, with defendants currently limited to one attorney at hearings as part of the virus restrictions.


Sources close to the premier told Hebrew media on Wednesday that Netanyahu would attend the hearing, in accordance with the judges’ ruling.

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.9254954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who Is Norma McCorvey? Former Jane Roe Admits On Deathbed Supporting Antiabortion Movement Was A Sham


McCorvey died in 2019 of heart failure

She reportedly was paid $450,000 for switching sides on the abortion issue

McCorvey never actually had an abortion


Norma McCorvey, better known as “Jane Roe,” the plaintiff in the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in the United States, says in a deathbed confession she was paid to become an antiabortion supporter.


The revelation comes in the documentary “AKA Jane Roe,” scheduled to air Friday on FX.


McCorvey, 69, died of heart failure on Feb. 18, 2017.


“This is my deathbed confession,” McCorvey says in the documentary. “I took their money and they took me out in front of the cameras and told me what to say. I did it well too. I am a good actress. Of course, I’m not acting now.”


She later added: “If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that’s no skin off my ass. That’s why they call it choice.”


Evangelical pastor the Rev. Robert Schenck admits the payment was “unethical.”


McCorvey never actually had an abortion. She became pregnant in 1969 with her third child and decided to challenge abortion restrictions. In the three years it took the case to work its way through the courts, she gave birth and put the child up for adoption.


For more than two decades, McCorvey was the face of the abortion rights movement. She reversed her position in 1995, saying at the time she had found religion.

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.9254983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5000 >>5045 >>5053 >>5257 >>5398 >>5432

Democrats Panic After Senate Homeland Security Panel Approves Hunter Biden Probe Subpoenas


Democrats are PANICKED after a Senate panel announced plans to issue subpoenas related to Hunter Biden and corruption at Burisma Holdings.


Senate Republicans approved subpoenas in their investigation of Hunter Biden and Burisma on Wednesday.


This comes the day after Ukrainian officials released the recordings of Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President discussing their quid pro quo agreement on firing the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden in exchange for IMF funding.


Chairman of the Senate Homeland Committee Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined FOX News on Wednesday to discuss the investigation.


Ron Johnson says he must have hit a nerve.


“I’m somewhat suspicious. My interest level has been raised by the high level of their objections. I think they protest a little too much. Apparently we’re hitting a nerve here. Maybe we’re getting close to finding out some important information.”

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.9254998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5160

Gretchen Whitmer Allows Gay Swinger's Club to Operate While Barber Loses License


There is perhaps nothing more confusing than Democrat governors’ orders during the Chinese WuFlu pandemic. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is by far the worst. That was made clear with the news that a gay swinger’s club with “glory holes” is being allowed to operate under her nose in Lansing while she aims her business-killing death ray on 77-year-old barber Karl Manke for giving haircuts.

Gay swinger’s club is essential.


But strangers servicing each other through holes in a basement wall in the state capitol is perfectly fine. I guess group sex is an “essential” activity in the Democrat-run state of Michigan. The underground private club, Club Tabu, has a website that describes what goes on there.


Tabu events are defined as “private party” lifestyle socials. There is no sexual activity permitted except in the privacy of your own accommodations.


Unlike Manke, who is sterilizing everything in his barbershop and wearing a mask to cut hair, Club Tabu has no announcement on their social media about what precautions they are taking, if any, to keep people who are engaging in full body contact with strangers safe. In fact, the only messaging they are giving is that they are open. The website FAQ’s says, “Yes, we are still open; if this website is still up – we are open!!!”


The FAQs also ask if there are “glory holes” (if you’re blissfully ignorant of what these are, don’t Google it) and the response from the website says, “A maze is a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way, and in our case, it is very dark and made with walls that have a few holes in them,” says the club’s website.


A review of their Facebook page is equally disturbing with the last post being the announcement that they opened on May 1. There is no other information about social distancing or precautions taken. They’re just open for business.

Anonymous ID: 07a3d8 May 20, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.9255020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5091 >>5398 >>5432

Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against Township of Jackson, New Jersey, and the Township's Planning Board for Zoning Restrictions that Target the Orthodox Jewish Community