Anonymous ID: 167c5c May 20, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.9255572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5801

>>9255452 PB

any real movement against the cabal would require no central leader or person who can be defeated and made an example of so others would put their sword down and go home

Q in the beginning, I thought he might get us to people realizing we have to do it, we have to come together, but since I have been here from 2017 and cannot not see the patterns, I have come to the horrible conclusion that Q is taking us for a ride

I wish I was that important, just an average guy with great pattern seeing ability, the pattern is easy, the solution the difficult part.

You seem legit, your post doesn't show the Qcocksucker pattern but you may have tricked me

I hope your legit and see for yourself that this is not going to work and that the longer we wait the better prepared the enemy is

the enemy is in consolidation mode world wide, and the NWO is delivering right on schedule

I would prefer to be wrong, but my past predictions lead me to believe otherwise

being human I fell for the hope, but soon came to realize it is hoax

thank you and good luck

Anonymous ID: 167c5c May 20, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.9255733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5822

>>9255475 PB

maybe if Q/Q+ would have taken down the MSM and Internet Censorship that would be possible

You cannot defeat this corrupt system at the ballot box, even with all the knowns 2018 was stolen or was it?

Q got exactly what Q wanted, he saved the senate and abandoned the house to save face because that was the plan all along

Mass uprising with no guarantees is the only way and Q's job was to starve it off before the overlords were ready for it

when Q says he tried but could't and calls for your action you will be fish in a barrel, ripe for the taking, used as the real show to get the living in line for their orders

Anonymous ID: 167c5c May 20, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.9256094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6113


if it was an actual battle maybe we could agree

It is not

describe how you see truth exposed and normies who currently hate Trump with everything they have are going to say oh your right my party my beliefs my foundation is all wrong so I will choose my enemies outlook and beliefs?

If you can explain anyway you see that happen?

you say united front

are you and I united?

do we not both see how wrong the world is?

we are divided, and will not see eye to eye because you think the government that did this to you can be trusted to fix itself and still maintain proper authority

I think you fail to gauge rage and anger, similar to what you felt when waking, but you did not do it all at once and your targets will have to.

you see the forest sure, but I am talking about every tree, and every dead tree is fuel for the fire.

the enemy is most certainly consolidation as you look at all the world changes since 2016 the globalist have been working well together.

POTUS can be good while not of Q, can't afford to separate from Q because Q has conservatives divided, so Q can be NWO without POTUS but POTUS can't rescue anything by himself (without Q) unless he is working with the crown and the Jew as war ends anything he may accomplish, which seems on the horizon.

Did Q talk about the Pentagon leaks of China's ability to win a war, no because that would highlight they left the leakers and the cabal in place so no justice no light no talking about subjects that don't promote Q's narrative

I just want a free and constitutional society, my land and my contract with the government is constantly threatened because of illegality, we are so far from the government we are supposed to have and the people let it happen, just as they are now.

Our Constitutional Republic didn't even make it 100 years before we fell back under the crown, admiralty law arrested that gym protester, not our constitution, and so called patriots stood still and allowed the rights of their fellow man to be thrown away, did not act.

If you can't win the smallest battles you are not going to win the war

the media says who wins and they have been left to tell whatever story they want Q/Q+ biggest failure / strategy

how exactly does the media have all their reporters fired or arrested then have thorough stories of the wrongdoing to keep the lefty crazies from going to the streets? or are you ok with that?