Anonymous ID: 4fab6b May 20, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.9255872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5953 >>6295

It is a plan for UNITY.


Anons are going to have to let go of their preconceived notions of religion, doctrine, dogma, institutional knowledge of scriptures, and traditions meant to program you into your parents/grandparents. I don't know how Q can get this message across without dropping major pain-bombs about religion.


These super rich and successful pastors know the formula. You have a populace that fully believes every letter in their Bible is the infallible word of God. Get on stage, play some pretty music, tell a relatable story about life, and extrapolate some scripture. Then, send the congregation home after collecting their "love gift".


I'm not sure where people forgot how to think critically about these things, but that's where we are at. Sure, some of these pastors are good people that believe in what they preach. Many (most?) are not. Q is trying to tell us all that after they are done with all the heavy lifting, it's going to be up to US to keep humanity moving forward and progressing. We cannot do that without UNITY.


It shouldn't matter what anon over here believes, or anon over there. What should matter is our central idea is UNITY, irrespective of beliefs (provable or not). Christianity is attacked, very specifically, because the core ideology of Christianity is unity. It has gotten distorted over the years because of people's petty disagreements over doctrine (yet another part of the problem), but generally speaking, most Christians are tolerant of each others' beliefs between denominations because they're all supposed to be one church (Bride of Christ).


Agnostics and atheists should literally be defending Christian churches now more than ever because, well, look at the alternative! UNITY anons. Very simple once you think about this logically:


There are no magical creatures going to save you. There aren't any super aliums going to gift earth with world peace. No cataclysmic wars with crows feasting on your dead bodies, and no guillotines for those refusing some mark of whatever-the-fuck (unless you stand up to the evil in this world, that is). No magical sky race is going to fix all the shit. Humanity is going to have to do it their own selves.


Put down the fairy tales for a bit, and think about the gravity of what Q's trying to show you. Seriously, just think for a moment. Think about all you believe vs what you can prove to know. When it comes right down to it, your beliefs are exactly that; beliefs and not facts.


At this point, I'm convinced the only thing slowing down the Great Awakening is ourselves because we're hung up on stupid shit like Schumann resonances and false teachings about God. If you want this thing to "hurry along", you need to wake up to what your part is in this fight. It's to seek the truth, and the provable.


Your journey to find God should be introspective, not extraverted. Stop paying someone for their lies, and start seeking the truth. Most importantly, if you want this movement to succeed, practice UNITY in all you do. If what you are doing or saying causes division, it's literally a tool of the enemy at work through you.