Anonymous ID: de2c8c May 20, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.9256135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162

9 of CLUBS


All NINE's need to transcend the intense challenges of their suit. The CLUB suit symbolizes the mind, and how we think. Thus the 9 of Club have difficulty letting go of negative thinking habits, and can suffer from mental laziness or procrastination.


As a rule, these people are warm and friendly with a keen sense of obligation. They like to keep promises and pay their debts. Those who succumb to mental lethargy or negativity feel powerless to realize their true potential.


The 9 of Club is known as the "Adventurer's Card". They like to gamble and are always willing to take a chance. They are intensely curious and when they apply their adventurous spirit to the field of knowledge, they are capable of making profound discoveries that benefit others on a universal scale.

Anonymous ID: de2c8c May 20, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.9256154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Description : Nine of clubs

The nine of clubs is not very powerful in cartomancy. It evokes positive changes that will bring small successes in the consultant’s life. It is opposed to the eight of spades that brings small sorrows.


This card refers to all the small positive things in the consultant’s life, such as meeting someone new or getting a pay increase. It can also announce the victory of a sport’s team if the consultant is interested in sports.

Anonymous ID: de2c8c May 20, 2020, 2:34 p.m. No.9256177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

General Meaning 9 of clubs

This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.


The Nine of this suit usually indicates a need for rest; some time out to mend wounds and savor victories. Although it may be hard to do, this card would have you leave the field to fresher teammates for now. Release any attachment you may feel to being in a leadership role for now.


In the pictured Tarot decks, the protagonist is shown as too exhausted to be effective in defending his gains, yet resisting the suggestion to ask for help or step down. He or she hasn't had the chance to totally heal from past blows, and is still up there taking another beating. This is the fix that comes from making oneself irreplaceable. Fight off the maniacal thought that only you can save the day! Stop rejecting loved ones who want to help you.