Anonymous ID: 02783b May 20, 2020, 2:51 p.m. No.9256345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Pepe, here is a short story of us…see along time ago we choose to take a journey into the unknown to raise our consciousness about everything and in doing so, we had to choose a lane (above or below) and we had to fall asleep (birthing amnesia) for a long time. When we first awoke, we had no memories, they was gone Pepe, like the ether of forgetfulness; we lost control of our history and future. Now Pepe, we eternal, so we keep doing this over and over for thousands of years And, we always have free will wether we surrender it for a time or not. Now, there is no way we could of stayed united through this Pepe, we was meant to divided about everything so we could experience each journey with a clear lens. Now, one of the elements of the journey is fear and it’s manifestations. See we manifest everything, so, we manifested enemies and they had to come from somewhere and in fact they entered with us, below. Their lives and ours is very different, but very necessary? So we have incarnated as man, woman, Christian, Muslim, pagan, rich, poor, prince, pauper and many other forms of division. Now, there comes a time when there are pauses in the experience and if we, ALL people, can unite in love, put down our indifferences and return from which we came, well, Pepe, then we will explode in consciousness and advance in the experience. If our fear and it’s incarnations continue during these pauses, we MISS THEM! Now, sometimes things get weird, like here, and our star families try to help us along with out thwarting free will. Our overall goal Pepe is to re unite ALL people, to rise above our fears and past the constructs of control aka government. However, Pepe, dis time, we gotta move forward, so, if we cannot unite, sentinels from above will descend upon us to inforce separation and relative peace until we wake up, unite and re-find our love for all the players. So, ya see Pepe, we at the end of this era and it’s important we do this without them sentinels cuz we CAN! So Pepe, the world is what we make it and right now it is very important that we make a good grade; it will be important for us later, trust me.


I love you all very much..



Yaw, PewPew