Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.9256394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6423 >>6425 >>6876



>>9255558, >>9255685 Supreme Court blocks House Dems' efforts to get Mueller grand jury info released

>>9255573 Do not let #OBAMAGATE stop trending (memeteam shout out)

>>9255592 Senate passes bill removing rogue Chinese firms from US stock exchanges

>>9255704, >>9255981 Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Declassification and Release of “Electronic Communication” Used to Launch Obama Administration’s Spy Operation on President Trump’s 2016 Campaign

>>9255963 Former Jesuit Superior General dies in Tokyo at 84

>>9256070 In Latest Escalation, President Trump Blames China For "Mass Worldwide Killing"

>>9256104 GSA terminates McKinsey & Co.’s schedule contract-McKinsey Advised Purdue Pharma How to ‘Turbocharge’ Opioid Sales

>>9256120 BARDA announces One $ Billion partnership with Johnson and Johnson for Covid vaccine development

>>9256179 Two Senate committees are expanding their investigations into the Obama-era scandal that involved surveilling members of the Trump campaign




Somehow these aren't notable

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.9256421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6458 >>6468 >>6885

Top Democrat Impeachment Witness Marie Yovanovitch LIED UNDER OATH, These Newly Released Documents Suggest


Newly released documents show that top Democrat impeachment witness ex-ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch apparently lied under oath when she claimed that she did not know much about the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, which Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, served on the board of.


Congressman Lee Zeldin slammed Yovanovitch for her failed attempt to conceal her knowledge of Hunter Biden and Burisma by claiming that she couldn’t recall being briefed on the matter.


“This is a woman who is highly regarded as an intelligent woman. She’s Princeton educated. She’s someone who I don’t believe actually didn’t recall, didn’t remember. When I was pressing her for additional information beyond the press reports. What else does she know about Burisma and Zlochevsky? And all we could get back is ‘I don’t recall.’ I just don’t buy that.”


However, meeting notes and email documents recovered by the conservative group Citizens United reveal Amb. Yovanovitch met with a representative from Burisma Holdings in December 2016.


Following Amb. Yovanovitch’s impeachment testimony in November 2019, liberal media pundits blindly showered her with praise.


Congressman Zeldin pointed out the mainstream media’s double standards of placing harsher scrutiny on Republican elected officials than on their Democrat counterparts.


“Americans are seeing the double standard. They know that is Marie Yovanovitch was there to remove President Barack Obama from office that you would have many of these same mainstream media outlets calling for there to be a perjury investigation into her. But instead, they’ll ‘fact check’ all of this and claim that nothing she said was dishonest.”


In a recent press conference, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) revealed that then-Vice President Joe Biden was directly involved with the FBI’s alleged plot to “unmask” General Michael Flynn in order to spy on the incoming Trump Administration.


“President Obama was specifically directing this. We now know at the very least Vice President Biden was in this up to his eyeballs,” said Paul.


Senator Paul continued, “This is troubling because this isn’t about national security; this is about eavesdropping on your opponent and eavesdropping on the new President’s top advisers. So, this is very very troubling. And this was being led, at the very least, by Vice President Biden, and if not the President [Obama].”


Senator Paul called out the Democrats for their hypocrisy by pointing out that they accused President Trump of using corrupt tactics to go after a political opponent during the impeachment trial.


“This sounds like they were abusing [the FISA process] to go after a political opponent, which I think is a very serious offense and should be investigated. And the fact that Vice President Biden is directly involved with unmasking a political opponent – think about it. Remember, we went through this thing called impeachment? They said that President Trump was using the government to go after a political opponent. This is Vice President Biden using the spying powers of the United States to go after a political opponent. He’s caught red-handed here.”


Senator Paul stated that there will be a Congressional investigation to get to the bottom of the situation and to prevent future spying abuse against any party’s political opponents.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.9256499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6658 >>6672

Coronavirus testing is really about harvesting your DNA for a government database


Testing, testing, and more testing: This is all that the government can talk about these days in response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – that and a future vaccine, of course. But what if we told you that the true intent behind mass testing is to steal people’s DNA and store it away in government databases?


It might sound like some kind of crazy sci-fi flick, but hear us out. Back in late April when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was asked about what happens after a person is tested for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and whether the results “automatically go into some kind of database,” this was Cuomo’s chilling response:


“Yes, your result will be logged into both a state and county database through an electronic lab reporting system. The database includes your name.”


When further pressed about what a positive test result entails from the government’s standpoint, Cuomo explained that all newly infected are being ordered by their county health departments to quarantine for 14 days from the time of their most recent symptoms. They are also being asked to procure the names of anyone they may have come into contact with so that they, too, can be told to quarantine.


This directly ties into the contact tracing push from people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, who want an “army of contact tracers” to sweep the nation and hunt down anyone who might have been infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).


Be sure to listen to the following episode of The Health Ranger Report in which Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks to Dr. Judy Mikovits about these and other authoritarian measures being thrown at the people in response to this “plandemic:”

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.9256583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beijing accuses America of 'inciting countries to demand compensation from China' for coronavirus after hitting Australia with huge tariffs as payback for Covid-19 inquiry calls


China has accused the US of inciting other countries to demand compensation over coronavirus as an economic blame-game over the pandemic escalated today.


Beijing vehemently pushed back against suggestions that it should bear financial responsibility for unleashing a virus which has forced countries into lockdown and wiped trillions of dollars off the world economy.

Instead, officials used state newspaper People's Daily to try to pin the blame for spreading the virus internationally on the US - having previously pedalled conspiracy theories that American troops could be the source.


China has already slapped an 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley exports after the country called for a probe into the virus's origin - widely believed to be a Wuhan market - as a war of words turned into a war of wallets.


Officials in Canberra said today that they may appeal to the World Trade Organisation over the move, calling it 'disappointing'. Beijing denies the tariffs are being used as retaliation.



Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.9256614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Strikes Syria to Keep the USA in the Levant 20 Years After the Unconditional Withdrawal From Lebanon – What Has Been Achieved?


Following its defeat in the second war on Lebanon, Israel discovered that its only way to suppress Hezbollah would be to close the supply line between Lebanon and Syria. That could only be achieved by removing President Bashar al-Assad from power, disrupting the “Axis of the Resistance” that extends from Tehran to Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Gaza. But Israel and the US, supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Turkey, Europe and many other countries all failed to achieve their goal of making Syria a failed state. President Assad called upon his allies whose own national security was in jeopardy. If Syria were to fall, jihadists of al-Qaeda and the “Islamic State” would be fighting in the streets of Beirut, Baghdad and Tehran. The jihadists would also be powerful enough to remove Russia from its Syrian naval base and to export the war beyond the Levant’s borders. So, Israel and the US failed to destroy Syria and to corner Hezbollah. On the contrary, Hezbollah has become stronger than ever. The Resistance has reaped the harvest of its victory. It has become the decision-maker with key institutions in Lebanon.


Israel sought to destroy Hezbollah because it is an obstacle to Israel’s expansionist plans in Lebanon, namely to steal Lebanon’s water and some of its territories, to force a peace deal of unconditional surrender, to break Lebanon’s alliance with Iran and deprive Tehran of its strongest ally in the Middle East. For the last forty years, since the victory of the “Islamic Republic” in 1979 led by Imam Ruhollah Khomeini which unseated the US proxy ruler, the Shah of Iran, Washington has imposed sanctions, because Iran has refused to submit to US power and because it supports its allies in the Middle East, mainly Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, to stand against Israel.


In 2006, the US was involved in the planning of Israel’s war on Lebanon. At the 2006 G8 Summit, President George W. Bush described the relationship between Hezbollah, Iran and Syria as one of the root causes of “instability”: “The World must deal with Hezbollah, with Syria, and continue to work to isolate Iran.” (Roshandel J. & Lean C.N. (2011) Iran, Israel and the United States, ABC-CLIO, CA, p. 109).


US Secretary Condoleezza Rice refused to mediate a ceasefire unless “the conditions are conducive”, thinking Israel would win the war. Hezbollah was not only left on its own to face the US and Israel, but Lebanese US-Saudi proxies (Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and Druse leader Walid Jumblat) supported the position of the US and Israel, and argued that there was “no point in a ceasefire.” (Wilkins H. (2013). The Making Of Lebanese Foreign Policy: understanding the 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli War, Routledge, Introduction).


When Israel failed to achieve its objectives, the US agreed to mediate an end to the war. Negotiations concentrated on ceasing all hostilities (not a ceasefire) between the two countries. Tel Aviv and Washington failed to obtain the deployment of United Nations Forces in Lebanon, UNIFIL, on the borders with Syria. The US sought to accommodate Israel in its attempt to gain by negotiation what it failed to achieve using its huge war machine in 33 days of the war in 2006. “Israel’s objective was never realistic”, said Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.


When its attempt to control the Lebanese-Syrian borders failed after its defeat in the 2006 war, Israel had one remaining option with which to counter Hezbollah: close the road via Damascus and find a way to curb Hezbollah’s supply line. This required war on Syria.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.9256639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6649

Iraqi Intelligence Says It Arrested Al-Baghdadi’s Top Aide (Photos)


Late on May 20, the Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS) announced that it has arrested Abdu al-Nasir Qurdash, a prominent commander of ISIS.


The INIS provided no information whatsoever on the circumstances surrounding the arrest of Qurdash. Nevertheless, the intelligence service claimed that he was a “candidate” to succeed ISIS’ eliminated leader Abu Baker al-Baghdadi. Photos of Qurdash in captivity were shared.


The Iraqi statement is highly questionable. Amir Mohammed Abdul Rahman al-Mawli al-Salbi, known as “Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi,” was already appointed as a successor to al-Baghdadi, who was killed in a U.S. operation in northwest Syria in October of 2019.


Iraqi sources casted more doubts on the INIS’ claims by revealing that Qurdash was captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) during the battle of al-Baghuz in southeast Deir Ezzor in early 2019.


Qurdash, who’s known by nom de guerre “Hajji Abdu al-Nasir,” was reportedly the top aide of al-Baghdadi as well as the second man in ISIS.


According to the sources, the SDF handed over Qurdash, like many other Iraqi ISIS members, to Iraqi authorities. All of this happened before the killing of al-Baghdadi.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.9256654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6682

Russian Foreign Ministry Finally Reacted To Censorship On YouTube And Facebook


On May 20, the Russian Foreign Ministry released an official statement on the censorship of four Russian-language media organizations – “Krim 24” (Crimea 24), “Anna News”, “News Front” and “Riafan” – on YouTube.


The YouTube channels of “Krim 24” (Crimea 24), “Anna News”, “News Front” were blocked on May 19, while the channel of “Riafan” was blocked on April 17.


““Krim 24” TV channel is one of the most popular sources of information on the peninsula. It is a part of Crimea’s largest media holding “Television and Radio Company “Krim” that unites five television channels, three radio stations, an information portal and two Internet sites. The team of “Krim 24” TV channel traditionally covers the most relevant major news topics in this Russian region.


As a result of the deletion of the Krim 24 account on the Youtube platform, about 30 thousand subscribers lost access to videos that had tens of millions of views. The US platform has taken restrictive measures under the clearly far-fetched pretext of “violating hosting rules.”


The fact that Youtube did not provide any convincing facts explaining its actions, as well as the fact that the appeal of the channel’s team still remains unanswered, is unacceptable,” the foreign ministry said in its statement.


The foreign ministry emphasized that it considers “the actions of video hosting as another act of discrimination against Russian-language media resources by US-controlled Internet platforms that systematically resort to arbitrary censorship of content in Russian.”


The Russian side also recalled that in January 2019, Facebook deleted more than 500 pages related to Russia, including materials from the Sputnik news agency.


“These are just some examples of US Internet censorship of Russian information portals,” it said.


SouthFront cannot but express solidarity with the indignation of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Over the past years, SouthFront has repeatedly become a target of informational attacks, censorship and theft of content.


At the same time, SouthFront recalls that our YouTube channel with over 152,000 subscribers, 1,900 uploaded videos and approximately 60 million views was terminated on May 1.


SouthFront immediately made an appeal of this decision on YouTube and sent requests of informational support to various organizations. We also sent emails to the Russian Foreign Ministry and a number of Russian mainstream media organizations. SouthFront emails and requests were expectedly ignored.


The reason is simple. SouthFront has no relations with the Russian government system. Russian official bodies and mainstream media do have no influence on the editorial policy of SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence. Therefore, they have no motive to provide SouthFront with any kind of support or informational assistance. On top of this, SouthFront critically covers the situation and political tendencies in Russia and has never pushed propaganda in the interests of Russia or any another state.


In any case, we are glad to see that Russian media organizations that were censored on YouTube and Facebook got support from Russian official bodies.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:18 p.m. No.9256690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6775

Large Batch Of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham ‘Special Forces’ Completes Training (Photos)


Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) announced on May 18 that the “largest batch ever” of its special forces, dubbed the “Red Bands,” has completed its training.


The terrorist group held a graduation ceremony for the new special forces personnel, who were trained to carry out raids, Inghimasi [suicide] attacks and sabotage operations. The ceremony was attended by the group’s top military leader.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:20 p.m. No.9256731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US intel report sinks Pompeo’s bluster with admission Iran & US both want peace in Afghanistan


US military intelligence has admitted Iran has no plans to “actively oppose” the peace process in Afghanistan, directly contradicting one of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s many allegations about the Islamic Republic.


The report by the lead inspector general on the state of the ongoing war in Afghanistan poured cold water on Pompeo’s speculation that Iran is seeking to upend the strained peace process between the US and the Taliban, confirming the Defense Intelligence Agency has no reason to believe Tehran will “actively oppose” the negotiations that are supposed to end with the US withdrawing troops.


While acknowledging the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s March statement that Washington “has no legal standing to sign a peace agreement or to determine the future of Afghanistan,” the DIA pointed out that the statement fell significantly short of an intention to meddle in the peace process – especially because Iran was fully on board with the departure of US forces from the region.


“Iran’s strategic objectives relating to Afghanistan continue to be maintaining a stable Afghan central government and security along Iran’s eastern border,” the report, published on Tuesday, reads.


That Iran would want peace in a neighboring state – especially when that peace involves the steady departure of US troops from the region – is certainly understandable, given the US saber-rattling in the Persian Gulf and Iraq and the coronavirus epidemic still raging within its own borders. Indeed, the report also noted Iran took pains to appear neutral in September’s contested Afghan presidential election, avoiding a show of public support for either candidate and declining to attend both “inauguration ceremonies.” Meanwhile, US-Iranian interests align elsewhere – both nations want to eliminate the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in Afghanistan.


But the report’s conclusions emphatically cancel out Pompeo’s own claim that Tehran is “actively working to undermine the peace process.” The US diplomat had specifically called out Iranian “efforts to support militant groups,” in Afghanistan, a claim that the DIA did not substantiate. While the report says Iran was confirmed to have provided “lethal aid” to the Taliban, no evidence was found of continuing support to members of the Fatemiyoun Brigade, a mostly-Afghan militia that had been recruited to fight alongside Iran in Syria. Under 3,000 members of the brigade had returned to Afghanistan, the report said, and Iran was neither paying them nor keeping them organized as a militia. Most were said to have a “pro-Afghan government stance.”


The DIA’s description of the Fatemiyoun differs dramatically from that of the US Treasury Department, which on Wednesday slapped another round of sanctions on Iran with claims that Iranian law enforcement was “cracking down” on Afghan migrants who’d been “coerced” into fighting in Syria. There is no mention at all of coercion in the DIA report – only a claim that Iran “is likely able to re-contact fighters for additional deployments to Syria.”

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:23 p.m. No.9256768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuelan Military to Escort Iranian Tankers Delivering Fuel - Defense Minister


Venezuela's military will escort Iranian tankers delivering fuel to the country when they enter Venezuela's exclusive economic zone, the country's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino revealed Wednesday.


In a state television interview, Padrino said the escort would "welcome them in and thank the Iranian people for their solidarity and cooperation," Reuters reported. Padrino also said that the Venezuelan government had been in contact with Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami.


US sanctions on Venezuela have strangled the South American country's economy. In January, the country was forced to shut down its last oil refinery. Despite the fact that the primary export is petroleum, Venezuela is currently experiencing a fuel shortage.


Last Thursday, a US official said that the country believes with a "high degree of certainty" that Venezuela is paying Iran tons of gold in exchange for fuel.


“It is not only unwelcome by the United States but it’s unwelcome by the region, and we’re looking at measures that can be taken,” the official said, Reuters reported.


The official did not outline what measures are being considered but said that all options would be presented to US President Donald Trump.


On Friday, an Iranian news agency warned the US against taking action against several Iranian-flagged tankers transporting fuel to Venezuela.


"If the United States, just like pirates, intends to create insecurity on international waterways, it would be taking a dangerous risk and that will certainly not go without repercussion," Iran's Nour News Agency said, citing reports that US warships were en route to intercept the tankers in the Caribbean.


Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Abbas Mousavi on Sunday also warned that “the US itself will have to suffer repercussions that arise out of any unthinking measure [that it could take]" against Venezuela-bound Iranian fuel tankers.


“Should the Americans take any measure against our vessels’ free and legal movement around, they would face our decisive response," Mousavi told reporters in Tehran.


Last month, Tehran was slammed for helping Caracas restart the broken catalytic cracking unit at the huge Cardon refinery.—defense-minister/

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.9256812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Refusing to unlock your phone? Jail. UK judge sentences activist under TERRORISM law


The leader of the anti-immigrant group Britain First was fined and given a suspended sentence for refusing to unlock his phone and computer to police after returning from a trip to Russia last year, under UK anti-terrorism laws.


Paul Golding, 38, was ordered to pay a £21 ($26) surcharge and £750 ($918) in costs, and given a nine-month “conditional discharge” by Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot at the Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on Wednesday.


He was charged with “wilfully refusing to comply” under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act. Police testified that Golding had refused their demand to unlock his iPhone and Apple computer when they stopped him at Heathrow Airport on October 23 last year, as he returned from a trip to Moscow.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.9256856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cyclone Amphan rips through India & Bangladesh, leaving at least 14 dead & thousands of homes destroyed


Extreme winds and heavy rain have reached eastern India and Bangladesh. Cyclone Amphan has killed at least 14 people, also exasperating efforts to fight Covid-19 in the two countries.


The massive storm, that came from the Bay of Bengal, reached land on Wednesday, unleashing its wrath on the region. Despite the precautions taken, the extremely bad weather has already inflicted massive damage.


The cyclone turned out to be even more powerful than expected, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said, confirming that at least 10 people were killed across the state. Around half-a-million people were evacuated from the most dangerous areas before the storm arrived.


In India’s eastern neighbor, Bangladesh, at least four people have been killed by the cyclone so far. Some 2.4 million people were moved to storm shelters earlier this week, and the cyclone is expected to cause massive damage to the country's infrastructure and agriculture.

Anonymous ID: 4a676c May 20, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.9256881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NATO owes Ukraine $200 BILLION over Kiev’s decision to forgo nuclear arsenal in 1990s – ex-MP


Kiev should “insist” that NATO pays out $200 billion for Ukraine’s decision to abandon nuclear weapons more than a quarter of a century ago, a former Ukrainian lawmaker said, arguing that the move saved the alliance a fortune.


Back in the mid-1990s Ukraine ditched the nuclear arsenal that it inherited from the Soviet Union in exchange for security guarantees provided by the US, the UK and Russia as part of the so-called Budapest Memorandum. Now, the time has come for Kiev’s “Western partners” to pay up – in cash – Andrey Senchenko, a former Verkhovna Rada deputy and interim deputy head of ex-President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, believes.


The alliance would have had to drastically increase its defense expenditures over the past two decades had the Soviet nuclear missiles stayed in Kiev’s hands, Senchenko explained. “The missiles would, of course, not be a threat to New York, Paris or Berlin but would create a danger of nuclear and missile technologies proliferation around the world, which is a very serious danger,” he said, de facto admitting that Ukraine would have been barely able to properly control its nuclear arsenal and associated technologies in the first place.


It is true that, back in the 1990s, Ukraine possessed a significant nuclear arsenal. The number of nuclear warheads deployed on its territory by the USSR was only behind those possessed by Russia and the US.


Now, the ex-MP believes that the Western nations should very much appreciate the fact that Ukraine did not fancy becoming a nuclear power back in the 1990s – an idea that some politicians in Kiev have floated two decades later. “Their direct benefit amounted to at least $1 trillion,” Senchenko said without revealing the data behind such calculations.


He further said that Ukraine “has a right on some 20 percent of this economic benefit,” which amounts to $200 billion. “That is what we should discuss with our Western partners,” Senchenko said. “Ukraine should insist on that.”