Anonymous ID: 6c6bb3 May 20, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.9256451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6514 >>6666

Gavin Newsom


In 2015 Grant McDonald wrote a book titled "Fuck Gavin Newson"

Here's a excerpt from his book:

I earned the Getty Oil Company shareholders 4 Billion Bucks On the Reserve acquisition; the way they treat me it really sucks! As the Getty inheritors bask in glee; All I asked for was that they look after me. Four billion dollars they earned on Reserve My fee I surely deserve. It turns out J.P. Getty may have been a Nazi; His family even goes back to Germany. With Hitler, Goring & Goebbels he did stand; While trying to undermine the American land! For paintings & artifacts he did receive With his oil he was able to deceive? Hoover & the FBI and Roosevelt they knew That J.P. Getty & espionage he drew! Many a young lad and Jew did die As planes dropped bombs from the sky. For years while Getty sat in Berlin He may have committed many a sin. The ashes and smoke from the chimneys it rose While old man Getty sat cozy; he chose. With artwork held tightly under his arm Still dripping in blood as the real owner met harm. Into the ovens & on meat-hooks, bullets between the eyes Listen very carefully you can still hear their cries! While the Gettys sit in England; at their estate at Wormsley And Gordon sings in San Francisco With his 727 in tow. The Getty museum sits atop Malibu While the corpses of World War 2 scream J.P. Getty We know you! 2003 documents declassified by UK Warfare Ministry reveal that in Oct. 1941 the pro-Nazi Jean Paul Getty employed and lodged Nazis at his Pierre Hotel in New York City; Nazis who were involved in spying on and sabotaging Allied Forces war production plants. An employee at the Getty owned Pierre Hotel in New York City wondered why there were so many Germans being hired and staying at The Pierre during World War II. He called the FBI and the FBI charged J.P. Getty with Espionage, FBI File 100.1202, June 26, 1940. It was the job of the FBI in peace and in war to root out internal enemies of the USA. The FBI report refers to Getty s alliance with Goring, Goebbels & Hitler. FBI reported in 1942; that the Getty owned Spartan Aircraft Company which was the world's largest aeronautical school trained Nazis in Florida to become pilots during WWII even Pearl Harbor was attacked. 43,000 people were killed in the UK while J. Paul Getty was in Berlin still shipping oil to Hitler five months before Pearl Harbor; December 7, 1941. The mother of J.P. Getty was German. As aristocrats with treasures of art were executed beginning in 1933 with the outbreak of war; Getty assiduously added to his vast collection with the Nazis. The Ardabil carpet and Rembrandt of Marten Looten are at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Gainsborough of Christie purchased in 1938 is at The Getty Museum in Los Angeles.


About the Artist:

Grant is a popular homosexual Country artist, director of Gettymovie, NSFW book author, and the vocals for such great tracks such as “Ram Ranch”, “Space Cowboys” and “Deep, Deep, Deep”.


Born in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada. He studied drama at UCLA. Grant is an investment banker with family owned MacDonald Bank, apparently he structured Getty/Reserve merger on Wall Street, earning the Getty family 4 billion dollars, while they didn’t pay him for his troubles.



Plot: 43,000 people were killed in UK by the Nazis while J. Paul Getty was in Berlin shipping oil to Hitler. Jean Paul Getty's mother; Catherine Risher was German. Dec. 20, 1940 … the New York Daily News wrote about Getty's involvement with espionage at the Pierre Hotel in New York. 2003 documents declassified by UK Warfare Ministry reveal that Oct. 1941 the pro-Nazi Jean Paul Getty employed and lodged Nazis at his Pierre Hotel in New York City; Nazis who were involved in spying on and sabotaging Allied Forces' war production plants. FBI reported that Getty was still shipping oil to Hitler; June, 1941 … nine months after London was being bombed … five months before Pearl Harbor.

Link to movie:

Anonymous ID: 6c6bb3 May 20, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.9256547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6581

Interview with

Kimberly Guilfoyle and Gavin Newsom

Kimberly is the reason we have gay marriage she protected Newsom when he illegally perform gay marriages even though California voted against them…….


Send this to Don Jr……she's a piece of shit.

Anonymous ID: 6c6bb3 May 20, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.9256612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A decade of homelessness Gavin Newsom claims he will completely end it by 2014 (old article)


A decade of homelessness: Thousands in S.F. remain in crisis


A decade ago, then-Mayor Gavin Newsom made an unlikely promise.


In 10 years, he pledged on June 30, 2004, the worst of San Francisco’s homeless problem would be gone.


The most seriously ill homeless people would be moved indoors, clearing downtown streets of in-your-face transients who were startling residents and tourists alike. Emergency shelters would cease to exist because nobody would need them, he said. And new arrivals to the streets would be helped immediately.

“This is a dramatic shift,” Newsom announced as he unveiled his “Ten Year Plan to Abolish Chronic Homelessness.” “This won’t all happen tomorrow. But it will get done.”


San Franciscans are still waiting.


A decade and roughly $1.5 billion later, the city has succeeded in moving 19,500 homeless people off its streets, roughly equivalent to relocating the entire Castro district. But despite that major effort, the homeless population hasn’t budged, showing that as one homeless person is helped, another takes his place.


In addition, Newsom left City Hall for Sacramento and has had no success pushing his pet issue as a statewide cause. His replacement, Ed Lee, has shifted the city’s focus away from homelessness and onto job creation and tech promotion.


Meanwhile, new homeless encampments dot downtown alleys. Panhandlers still pervade the city. Needles, urine and human feces still litter sidewalks. It’s not unusual to see homeless mothers with children begging downtown, people bathing in the sinks at the Main Library, and open-air crack and heroin use within view of the mayor’s balcony at City Hall.


The homeless population is up 3 percent since 2005 — and that doesn’t include a new count of 914 unaccompanied children and youths who don’t have anywhere to call home. In one of the richest cities in the world, an estimated 2,200 public school students lack permanent homes.


Back in 2004, Newsom appointed former Supervisor Angela Alioto to head the council charged with crafting the plan to end chronic homelessness within a decade. On the ambitious plan’s first page, Alioto expressed confidence it would work, writing, “I certainly look forward to this particular victory party!”


But a walk around the city finds little reason to celebrate.

Anonymous ID: 6c6bb3 May 20, 2020, 3:18 p.m. No.9256698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6912

Ton's of OLD Gavin Newsom headlines:


Accusations of Fraud in S.F. Mayoral Election Spur Probes … › archives › la-xpm-2004-feb-02-me…

Feb 2, 2004 - Charges of electioneering and voter intimidation confront Gavin Newsom, whose … That residue of alleged corruption is precisely what Newsom's administration …


Cleanup wizard in a messy scandal / DPW aide has faced … › politics › article › Cleanup-wizard-in…

Feb 16, 2004 - … improprieties in the December runoff election won by Mayor Gavin Newsom. [. … Deputy City Attorney Lori Giorgi, but it takes "allegations of public corruption …


Kamala's Karma - SF › news › kamalas-karma

Sep 24, 2003 - And Harris promises that, as district attorney, she will investigate corruption … Gavin Newsom to get a list of people from him to do a fund-raiser for Kamala.


2,200 companies part of oil-for-food scandal – East Bay › 2005/10/28 › 2200-companie…

Oct 28, 2005 - “The corruption of the program by Saddam would not nearly have been so pervasive if there had … Gavin Newsom provides update on coronavirus response.


How corrupt is your Bldg Permit Dept? - Fine › forum › how-corrupt-is-…

Until today, when the presence of a clean mayor (Gavin Newsom) seems to have broken the log jam…. Permit official faces bribery charges. District attorney, FBI …

Aug 5, 2005 - 12 posts - ‎11 authors


I have decades of Newsoms crimes………DECADES