Anonymous ID: 6ed264 May 20, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.9256945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9256094 (lb) It is an actual battle, visibly, in every way. Our enemies seek the destruction of us, all we have ever accomplished, and all we hold dear. They will not stop, and neither can we. Two main sides, and one is facing victory, the other facing defeat. For all the marbles, for life, for the future.


Normies were decidedly migrating to our camp before corona, on the margins. We were winning then, and are winning now as well, because Trump has not lost support, in the face of a concerted & evil assault by the side that defends pedos, open borders, gun confiscation, race baiting, fake science, etc., etc.. A clear line, and am saying that patriots have defended the latest and best effort of the criminally insane traitors, and now it is our turn, bigly.


Legally, to the letter, objective viewers can see it falling into place. The IC plotters will be the first tranche arrested. After that, believe we will see "unpredictable" perp arrests per game theory, swinging between picking off Congressional perps of each party, entertainment perps, money perps such as CEOs, dirty judges, more dirty military officers, and underling associates of the next level up—that being the Obamaites, Bushes & Clintonistas, who come after the next Congress is sworn in in Janurary just before DJT's inauguration. Then the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, and their remaining toadies go, and after that the next level up on the dark pyramid of power, getting up to the top levels.


POTUS & Q Team are not separate, too many proofs, intentions too merged. Free, Constitutional Republic, my land, my contract, Admiralty Law being taken down, maybe already taken down. No one stood still. They did the most sensible thing, considering the overall position on the board. Overall balance turning visibly in our favor now, the patience was justified. We accept victory in pieces, not all at once.


Media not telling the story now. We are, and yes those fake media whores are going to pay the greatest of prices, and under circumstances of massive evidence being revealed in a fashion that stuns enough of their brain dead former followers that the chance of street battles fades into the background. And if it does not, if the lunatics demand a fight, then a fight they shall have, for we have no choice. We have brought things to the point where they have an exit if they choose to take it, and walk with us into the future. If they do not, they will face hell, and deserve it. Meanwhile, let the dark side servants feel the pain that they have fought rabidly to receive. Let the 4-6 be revealed in all their defeated, last stand lunacy. Let patriots help them reach that moment of truth.