Anyone else getting cognitive dissonance from a fiercely patriotic movement to unite the world as one, to fight globalism?
Joe ain't got no juice, but Mika is from a deep state family, ties up high. It's her people.
Quickie divorce incoming.
I see it more as "our globalism" v "their globalism".
I do prefer ours, but this ain't Fortress America we're building here.
I'm old enough to remember he was supposed to be the voice of conservatism on MSDNC
I go with Revolver.
In every game and con, there is a victim, and an opponent.
Rule 1: You only get better by playing a smarter opponent.
Rule 2: The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the players.
Rule 3: The bigger the environment, the easier the control.
Rule 4: The opponent simply distracts the victim by causing the victim to be consumed with their own consumption.
Rule 5: The bigger the trick, the older the trick, the easier it is to pull.
Rule 6: You can't believe it's that old, or that big, for so many people to have fallen for it.
Rule 7: Eventually when the opponent is challenged, the victim's investment, and thus, his intelligence, is challenged, and nobody can abide that.
Rule 8: You will always find a good opponent in the last place you would look.
Theory that the Titanic was really the Olympic with a new paint job.
So, building with hewn rock, instead of pressing everyone into brick molds.
election day, huma arrest, hillary arrest, boom boom boom